Girls problem

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Sorry for the picture ^^" I had too.

Y/n pov

      "Uggghhh, i hate this so much" I said, i was having the monthly problem and it hurts so bad. "Hey, y/n-senpai. Are you ok?" Cross asked me "Do i look ok to you? Also how the hell did you get in my room?" I said.

     "Well... I teleported here" Cross said "Why did you do that? What if i was changing?!" I said "Ummm" Cross's face was purple when i said 'changing' "But you didn't change, did you?" Cross said with a smirk on his face "I hate you" I said "Love you too senpai" Cross said.


      "Why do i smell blood?" Horror said when i came down into the living room "And its coming from Bunny" Horror said again "You ok Puppet?" Error asked "No" I said, then the cramps started and i become a ball clutching my stomach "Not this again" I said, groaning in pain then Nightmare picked me up using his tentacle placing me on his lap.

   "Can you tell us what's wrong" Nightmare asked "Its a girls problem" I said "What kind of girls problem" Dust said "I don't think you'll understand when i tell you my problem right now" I said then another cramps hit me and i started to curl into a ball again on Nightmare's lap.

     "Are you having a stomach ache?" Nightmare asked "No" I said

"Are you trying to hold your fart?" Killer asked "For fuck sake NO! Why'd you think that?!" I said "I don't know ._." Killer said.

     "Then what's the problem?" Error asked "Do you guys really wanna know my problem? -~-" I said "Yep" Horror said "Im on my period" I said quietly "What was that?" Cross asked "Im on my period" I said this time a little louder "You're on your what?" Dust asked "IM ON MY PERIOD OK?!?!" I somewhat yelled.


"What the fuck is period" Cross asked

"*Sigh* Im going to my room. AND DON'T DISTURB ME!" i said then i went to my room.

Author pov

     After you went to your room the boiz started to question what is period "Period? What is period?" Dust asked "I just asked that question Dust" Cross said "I don't know any girls problem" Killer said, Horror and Error just stays silent but Nightmare surprisingly know what period is.

     "Oh, that kind of problem" Nightmare said "You know what period is?" Error asked Nightmare "Yep, unlike you idiots. She'll be bleeding from her no no square for like 1 week or so. And Horror, don't you dare think what i think you're gonna think" Nightmare said looking at Horror's now red face.

     "And what are we suppose to do with that?" Killer asked "I only know 1 thing... Give her chocolates. The rest, search on google" Nightmare said taking out his phone same with the others.

-Time skip by your author losing too much blood-

     "Holy shit, that's a lot" Error said looking at his phone "Yeah" Dust said "Welp, time to help y/n-senpai!" Cross said.


Y/n pov

     I was sleeping until someone broke my door AGAIN. I sat up only to be drowned by thousand of chocolates "What the heck?! Where'd you find all of these chocolates?!" I asked "Uhhh" Nightmare said.

-Meanwhile at the chocolate store-

    "Where the fuck did all of my chocolates go?!?!?!" The owner yelled at the now empty store.


    "Im gonna be in so much trouble if someone finds out" I said "No you won't. Not on my watch" Nightmare said then Nightmare moves all of the chocolates from me "Stupid cramps" I said clutching my stomach again "Here let me help you" Dust said then he gently pushes me on my back "W-what are you doing?!" I said blushing "Just trust me ok?" Dust said then he massage my lower stomach and i started giggling like an idiot because im ticklish while the others glaring at Dust except for Killer since he's in the bathroom.

   "Are you feeling better now Angel?" Dust asked "Y-yeah" I said "Hey, Cuddle i've prepared you a bath" Killer said kinda embarrassed "Thanks Kills" I said then Killer went to me and carry me "Kills?! I can walk you know!" I said "I know =w=" Killer said, now its the opposite, the others started death glaring at Killer.

    "Alright, i'll leave you so you can have some privacy" Killer said then he left.  I feel like im gonna be spoiled for a week or so by them.

-Time skip by Epic T-posing at your author-

Author pov

     Its been 4 days, and the boiz were spoiling you, until...

     "HOLY SHIT! SHE'S DYING!!!" Error yelled "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Cross is screaming "SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Horror and Dust were screeching and Killer is on the floor having a mental breakdown.

     All because it leaks through your pants "They think you're dying because they taught that you're losing too much blood that they taught you might ended up in the hospital" Nightmare calmly said, you were about to go to your room to change.

   "You should clean up, i'll calm these 5 idiots down" Nightmare said "That's what im about to do Nootmare!" You said "Did you call me Nootmare?" Nightmare asked "Yes, imma call you that for a while so get used to it" You said then you went to your room.

    Alright, this chapter's done. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for 230+ votes. You're the best ^w^. Anyway have a good day and see you in the next chapter.

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