Idk what to put here . _.

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Y/n pov

I was in my room doing nothing when i heard Cross yelling. So i decided to check if everything is okay.


When i finally arrived to the living room, Killer, Dust and Horror were laughing their non-existence asses off at Cross, Nightmare just watching them with boredom and Error just not paying any attention to any of them.

"SHUT UP CHARA!!" Cross yelled and his whole face is purple, then he finally noticed me and immediately started freaking out and blushing even more out of embarrassment.

"H-hey, y/n-senpai" Cross said "Are you ok Cross?" I asked walking over to him "No- I MEAN Yeah! Im fine" Cross said sweating bullets "You sureeee???" I asked again tip-toeing closer to Cross's face then all of the sudden Cross crouch down to the floor hiding his purple face in his hands.

"For the love of the Chocolate god, i beg you to shut up Chara T^T" Cross said.

Author pov

"C'mon Cross, she's in her room right now~. Go to her room and make her yours~" Chara said in a teasing tone, Cross immediately tensed up "You ok Cross? You looked like you saw a ghost" Horror said 'Duh! Chara is a ghost you fuckin Crackhead' Cross thought. "Im... Fine... " Cross hesitantly said blushing a bit. "C'mon, its your chance to make her yours before the others get to her" Chara said "Shut the fuck up Chara" Cross quietly said.

"C'mon! I know you want to hear her moan and screamed your name as you pound into her~" Chara said, Cross started blushing, sinking into his fluffy hood "Uhhh, Cross? Your face is turning a bit purple there" Dust said "IMFINE!" Cross blurted out "Dude. You're clearly not fine" Horror said "I. AM. FINE!" Cross said.

"Imagine that she's calling you 'Daddy' [I don't know why i laughed at this] or 'Master' as you fuck her sensele-" "CHARA! I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR FUCkin... mouth.... " Cross yelled blushing even more but stops when he noticed that everyone [Even your author who wrote this shitty story] was looking at him with 'Da faq is wrong with you' look.

"Did Chara really bothers you that much? -Snickered-" Killer asked "YES, HE ALWAYS BOTHERS ME!" Cross yelled.

"Jeez, calm your non-existence tits down Cross" Horror said chuckling

"I don't have tits you stupid Crackhead" Cross said still blushing while Killer and Horror were laughing. "You sure about that mate?" Dust asked trying to hold his laughter but ended up laughing with the other two.

Nightmare just- sorry, i meant Nootmare just shakes his head 'These 4 idiots needs to calm their non-existence asses down' Nootmare thought looking at them with boredom.

"Awwwe~ Im sowwy, am i weally that annoying? Im just twying to help you" Chara said in a childish voice "SHUT UP CHARA!!" Cross yelled then he noticed you and started freaking out and blushing even more.

"H-hey, y/n-senpai" Cross said "Are you ok Cross?" You asked walking over to him "No- I MEAN Yeah! Im fine" Cross said sweating bullets "You sureeee???" You asked again tip-toeing closer to Cross's face, "C'MON! TAKE HER! ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ" Chara said "Make her scream your name! ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ" Chara continued.

Cross then crouch down to the floor hiding his purple face in his hands "For the love of the Chocolate god, i beg you to shut up Chara T^T" Cross said. Chara then started laughing like a mad man "Holy crap, its so easy to tease you -WHEEZE-" Chara wheezed.

Y/n pov

"Cross?" I said "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" Cross yelled making me flinched then he grab my shoulder and kissed me in front of everyone making me blushed. "I LOVE YOU OKAY?!" Cross yelled at me with a purple face because he is embarrassed.

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