Chapter II (2)

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-Luis' POV-

It was the first full day at the new house and so far father has been to busy to bother me, except for the occasional slap across the face or slur when I'd gotten in his way. The time was now 7:34 pm and I had just set the table and was carrying his plate to the dining room.

Surprisingly the house was actually in good condition considering what we had been living like for the past few years, the walls were mostly white save for the occasional feature wall that was normally a grey or navy blue colour. The house itself was a one story with a basement which is now where I stay, still with the same ratty old mattress I had from the old house in Ohio. There were a lot of more modern features in the house, lots of angles and sharp edges along with new appliances like the dishwasher which in my opinion was the best thing in the house, no more dry hands for me.

"Fucking finally. You're bloody useless, what took so fucking long?!" Father's voice seemed to echo off of the walls it was so loud, I was lucky I didn't drop his plate from the fear that shot through me. "I-I was find-finding my way a-around the new... kitchen..." I managed to stumble out a good enough response as he just grumbled and took the plate from my hands, I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I'd kept in.

I shuffled to the other side of the room and sat on the floor while he ate, normally I'd be in my room but sometimes he'd let me stay and finish off whatever was left of his dinner, today seemed to be one of those days. It was deadly quiet, I didn't like it since it meant he was thinking and I don't like his ideas very often so to keep myself from running which would most definitely piss him off I started to scratch at my hands.

Finally he broke the terrible silence, "School's tomorrow, starts at 7:40 and I better not get a single fucking call saying you've been mucking around or whoreing yourself out or whatever the hell you do. Be back after school and start dinner, other than that I don't give a shit 'bout what you do." While he spoke I continued to scratch at my hands and nod whenever I felt his gaze landed on me, but I never once looked at him. "Don't get your HIV infected blood on my new carpet!" Father screamed at me when he noticed my tick which I stopped immediately and whispered a, "Yes sir, sorry sir."

When father was finished he left the room but not without grabbing me by the hair and whispering in my ear, "If anyone at school finds out, you'll wish you were as death as your bitch of a mother." Then he slammed my head into the wall leaving a small dent, 'Hooray the house has been christened.' I thought sarcastically while rubbing the back of my head and counting my breaths to keep myself calm.

When I had scraped the last of fathers meal off his plate and onto a paper one I put his dish and utensils in the dishwasher and turned it on after checking everything I used was in it, "Definitely the best thing in the house." I whispered to myself with a small smile on my lips, I had to find joy somewhere in this fucked up life of mine.

Gripping the wooden railing for the stairs down to the basement, I went step by step taking my time since my ribs had started to ache. 'I hope nothings broke, though if it were I'm sure I wouldn't be able to move so maybe I've just bruised a rib? Let's pray I don't have any gym classes tomorrow.' My thoughts took up all the space in my mind, I was happy, it meant no space for memories.

I had gotten down the stairs and was now laying on my mattress. "I still have the pen I used to label the boxes and I saw a few notebooks in a draw in the kitchen... hmm now i just need some kind of bag." I whispered out to myself, thinking about what I could use to hold all my school supplies.

"What if father still has mothers old leather satchel?..." looking towards the door to the basement as I heard my father footsteps go past making me tense, I then took my eyes away from the door and to the small alarm clock that read 9:20 pm, 'Still early but considering we just moved here the other day he might still be tired.' I thought while pulling myself up into a sitting position.

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