Chapter XXII (32)

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-Luis' POV-

It had been quite ever since he help with my necklace except for the occasional clink of a glass cup on a coffee table that I had been drinking. We'd been waiting for three hours now but I have no doubt that the others were just being very careful about how they were to deal with the situation we were in. "Do you think they will be here soon?" Wyatt called out which startled me, "You ask a lot of questions for someone who is suppose to be the Italian Don." I said as I flipped through the channels where I settled on the late night news to see if there had been anything about us. 

"I never asked for the position." His reply was angry and reminded me a lot of my father, 'I know it's not him but my body and mind think otherwise.' I'd put my brain in overdrive, trying to convince myself it wasn't him and I think he took notice to my awkward behaviour. "Are you okay?" Wyatt had left from his spot on the kitchen bench but before I could answer so he'd leave me alone a knock sequence sounded at the door. 

"Thank God" I mumbled and went to unlock the door. As I opened it a sense of relief filled my body as I saw Max standing with Ryder and Risse. Before I could even think about what I was doing, my limbs had already started to move and Maxwell thankfully caught me before I fell to the ground since I ended up jumping at him without giving him any warning. "Was it really that bad?" He whispered into my ear and all I did and nod, 'I'm so fucking tired I don't even care how gay I look right now.'

"Well at least we know you boys are okay, but we have to get going now so leave the cars and hop into the van. Don't worry Wyatt, we'll pick them up tomorrow." Ryder's rough voice echoed in the room since they were still standing in the garage. "Do you want me to put you down? It looks like Ryder wants to talk to you." I let out a sigh at Max's words but I knew he was right, I need to get over myself and deal with the consequences.

When Max set me down, I nodded at Risse and then followed Ryder into the small apartment while the others got into the van. "Really Luis? You could have really fucked us up! Do you know how mad the FBI are right now?" His words stabbed me like icicles but I knew this would happen, and I still had to tell him about Denver and Wyatt's reaction to the situation.

"Sir, I know what I did was stupid and there is no excuse but I did get some information from her before we left." My voice was small but I grew more confident In my words and even lifted my head from it's pitiful state. "What is it?" Ryder's anger seemed to die down at my words and he looked back at me with curiosity. "She brought up Denver. Apparently she and the FBI have been conversing with him and his family, Allison had said he'd be continuing his schooling back at our school... meaning they didn't know I owned it, well that was until I told her but we both know that once we go back they would find out anyway."

Ryder's expression changed multiple times some of them showing how bad he felt for getting angry with me but just because Denver had been brought up doesn't mean I can act irrationally. "Okay then... how did Wyatt take it?" He asked, now having taken a seat on the side of the couch, more calm than he was before. "Honestly? I'm not sure, he was quiet the whole time as I had told Allison she'd only be talking to me but I assume he'll be interested since he'd never been mentioned before and the fact that the Italians haven't been keeping up with our criminal records."

"Thank you for filling me in with the new information, I'll make sure that Kea and Adam are made aware of the situation and what you have informed me of. If the others ask, you don't have to tell them, but we need to get going and when we get home you all should probably get some sleep... Oh I brought some warmer blankets since it's getting cold."

The drive home was quiet and soon enough I was resting my head on Max's shoulder, trying to get comfortable. "Have you turned into a child since you left or what?" Maxwell laughed at his joke which caused me to swat my hand in his direction, "Shut up will you? When did pillows get a talking feature and how do I turn it off?" I replied with just as much sarcasm has he had causing both of us and Risse to laugh.

 "Ah, we haven't met yet have we?" Wyatt asked while looking at Max and me so I quickly sat up straight, feeling very embarrassed because of my affectionate. "No, no we haven't. I'm Maxwell." He said stiffly, I looked back at him and elbowed him, "Just because his face and voice scare the living crap out of me doesn't mean either of us can be dicks to him... It's not his fault after all." I said into his ear after pulling it down to my level.

Max gave me a look to say "Whatever." and then grabbed Wyatt's hand so he could shake it but ended up trying to crush it making me feel bad so I interrupted them, "Calm down." I said firstly into his ear again, "How did it go with the Nox family?" I asked while mainly looking at Risse who looked like she'd pass out any minute. "OH- yeah no it went pretty well I think even though I was only there after you went missing. Abby, Rose and Natalia got on great, Finn just kept annoying Caleb and Ezra, Cillian was on his laptop like usual while Timothee read his book on whatever the hell he's into and Ryder, Kea and Adam were chit-chatting away like old men do, whisky in hand." She said, giving us all a run down of what happened. 

"Wait Max where were you?" I asked, I was confused to why he wasn't mentioned in Risse's story. "That was because I was looking for your stupid ass, I wanted to give you some more plants since I knew you feeling a little shit. But then you weren't there and nor was Risse so I asked Ryder and just as he was about to tell me, your alert went off and Risse had busted the door open so I went up to the tech room with Caleb soon after."  

"Sounds like we all had a fun night then." I grinned and went back to relaxing but that was cut short when Risse punched Wyatt and I in the gut, "That's what you get for making me panic!" 

After we got home we all went to our rooms and got ready for bed, but max had followed me to my room. "Hey, now that we are alone... What happened? You seemed really out of it whenever Wyatt was talking or looked at us, I thought you were getting better?" Max had already gotten in his PJ's while I had only started to take off my jewellery. "It's his fucking stupid voice. When I heard him say his name when he was picked to race against me I felt like my whole world ended, all my progress all my hope fucking shattered. Max he sounds exactly like Benjamin, every time he uttered single word it was like my body was going through a god damn meat grinder!" after that I broke down and fell to the floor, tears falling out of my face like I was a waterfall.

By the time I'd finished emptying my all of my pain I was a crying mess on the ground with Max trying to calm me down but nothing was helping, until he passed me a cigarette and a lighter. I put it to my lips  after lighting it and took a long hard breath in, letting the burning feeling calm my senses, "Thanks Max... you want any?" I asked when I felt like I could talk without breaking down again but he just shook his head. "I'm okay, but you should really sleep. Flinch Is getting let out tomorrow so at least you won't have to deal with them anymore, and we get our tattoos as well... then it's just prepping for school..."

We sat quietly for a few minutes, just thinking about the next few days and how school would be starting up again. "At least It's our last year, anything more and I'll set fire to it with all the kids inside. I could even clam insurance on it too, It's a win win really." We both laughed at my comment and soon after said our goodnights and finished our night time routines.

WABAM! Another chapter to speed things up! I hope you are all finding these new developments enjoyable. Don't forget to Comment and Vote! Thanks for reading Alone!!!

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