Chapter XIII (13)

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-Luis' POV-

'Fuckin' ducks... gimmie my shoe  back... motherfuckers...'


"AHH-  ow...."

Max had just slammed my door open while screaming bloody murder which woke me up from my dream about... shoe stealing ducks? I lifted myself off of the floor I'd fallen onto from falling out of bed because some idiot thought It'd be funny, "Dude, what the hell? I was sleeping!" I yelled at him and threw whatever was closest which happened to be my phone, he caught it though and I wasn't sure if I was happy or disappointed. "Come on, the girls are our doing archery and I wanna go dirt bike riding but only Flynn agreed so I thought I'd make you come with us." Maxwell explained his dumbass reason for waking me up, I rolled my eyes at him but started to pull out some appropriate clothes, "Lemme get dressed." 

I changed into one of the black long sleeved shirts I had, I still wasn't that keen on people seeing my scars so I normally covered up my arms. After putting on some comfortable pants  I quickly brushed my teeth then hair since it looked like a literal birds nest, my brown hair stilled looked like a mess even though I'd brushed it at least a thousand times so I gave up and chucked some water in it to hopefully tame it a bit. I took the steps two at a time, getting excited about the day's adventures that we yet to be had. 

"Okay, you guys ready to go?" I asked as I entered the kitchen of the cottage like house we staying in, 'At least we aren't camping out in tents, I think I'd die.' I cringed at the thought as Max replied, "Yeah, I managed to convince Caleb to come too. Flynn's getting the bikes, I was gonna go check on the girls while we waited, wanna come?" he said while taking a glance out of the window where the girls were shooting arrows.

"Cool. I can come with you to talk to your crush if your so desperate for a wingman." I let a devilish grin appear on my face, Max snapped his head to look at me, his mouth gaping open like a fish out of water. "No- I don't have- how did you even know?" He tried to convince me otherwise but gave up, his head falling down in shame, "When you're not working you're practically an open book, then again I'm pretty good at picking up social cues so maybe it's just me. Rose is an awesome person ,we all know it and you're not so bad yourself, I reckon you should shoot you're shot." I smirked at him but he knew I was messing around so he laughed with me.

When he finally caught his breath he shook his head with a fond look, "You'll be a great Boss one day Luis, just don't tell anyone I told you though- I'll loose my cool points. Thanks as well, I think..." We shared a happy look and started laughing again when I asked him "You have cool points to loose?" which got me a joking punch to my arms. Soon enough we were roughhousing around as we made our way out of the house and towards the girls who were still shooting arrows at the haybale targets.

Abby had notched another arrow and was pulling it back, she took a deep breath then let the arrow fly- a perfect bullseye. "Whoo! Great shot Abs!" I yelled when we were within hearing distance, she turned around with a huge grin, "Thanks Lu. You guys got any plans for today?" she asked, setting her bow down next to Rose's. "Lu? I was expecting something worse, like Maxy Waxy," I gave Max a shove and he gave a playful glare in return, "Well if you don't like it I could always change it to, oh I don't know- Louiekinns?" Abby said innocently but her mouth held an evil smirk and I dropped my smug expression, "No! No! Lu is fine- good- awesome" I panicked and she started cackling.

"Anywhoooo, we were just gonna watch you guys while Flynn gets the dirt bikes since I have no idea where they are." Max said while plopping himself on the grass, dragging me down with him which knocked the air out of me for a moment. "Are you guys going racing then? I have ten bucks saying Max comes last." Rose was trying to hold back a laugh as she saw Max's pout, "Oh you wound me!" he yelled and held his chest in false pain. 

We watched the girls shoot a few more times and then set their bows down while they collected their arrows. "Luis, here's yours." I heard Flynn call from behind me so I turned around to see him pushing an all black bike that I was positive would be a mud brown by the end of the day, "Awesome! Where's yours and the others?" I asked as I stood up from my spot on the grass to take the bike from him, "Thought I'd get yours first. Honestly it's actually really hard to do two at a time, I'll be back yours and Caleb's in a second Max." Flynn then walked off towards what I assumed was the shed. "Did you even bother to look for the bikes Maxwell?" I quirked my eyebrow at him and he avoided my eyes, 'Sly bastard.' 

"It's like he's your overprotective older brother I swear, like he's pretty protective of all of us but he's like SUPER crazy when it's you. Plus he give you literally everything! I wish my brother would do that, he's just a selfish pig-headed ogre." Annoyance dripped from Caleb's tone, we turned to see him walking from the house to our little gathering, "He'll make a great second if you wanted him." Caleb continued and the others agreed, 'They aren't wrong, he's been in this world since he was born... he could be the next Underboss if I thought he was good enough.'

As I started my dirt bikes engine, Flynn had handed over Max's and Caleb's a few minutes ago and was now going to get his. We waved to Rose and Abby as we drove by when Flynn came out then we chased him down the track that lead us down the south side of the estate. "Come on! Bet you 5 that I can get to the race track before ya'll," Caleb yelled over the roar of our engines as he sped up to try and overtake all of us.

Me and the boys had gotten back to the cottage like house about fifteen minutes ago and we were walking away from the shed when Max started to complain about being hungry, "Should we order in again? Or go out for lunch?" He asked as we stepped into the foyer, "apparently the girls have gone to check out the gun range." I said after pulling out my phone but then quickly answered Maxwell, "We could go check out the town? Grab something to eat down there?" I suggested, taking a seat on the living rooms red couch.

"Sick, I'll text Rose then." Max excitedly pulled out his phone, Caleb rolled his eyes at his brother. We spent the next few minutes on our phones while we waited on a reply from Rose, "What did you guys wanna do tomorrow? I was thinking about brushing up on my sniping skills in the gun range." Max started up a conversation again, he never liked the quiet. "I want to go look at the horses, Flynn said he would teach me how to ride." I was so excited to learn something new. 

"That sounds fun, maybe we can watch or something? Oh! There's a dam nearby too so we could go for a dip to cool off later and after that it'll probably be time to pack up and go home." Caleb said and rubbed his hands together as his plan came to him. "Yeah I'm down for that, I probably won't swim though... I'll just watch you guys." I tried my best not to look down or let my anxiety show, 'I don't want anyone else to my scars... I'll get there, just not yet...' I tried to tell myself that I could take my time.

"Alrighty! Rose just got back to me, said they'll be here in a few so we'd better clean up." Max shot up from his seat on the La-Z Boy which got a laugh out of Flynn, "You're the only one caked in mud dude." he pointed out, Max gave him a scowl but ran up the stairs to his room to clean up without saying back to Flynn. "I'm gonna go have a shower too, see you guys in a few." I too jumped up from where I was sitting and left the room.

Welp here it is kiddos! There might be 2-3 more of these kinda chapters then we'll get back to the main storyline! Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

Edited- 29/7/22

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