Chapter VI (6)

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-Luis' POV-

I don't know how long we were driving for since my mind was going a mile a minute but I was sure school had started now and that made me panic even more, 'Fuck! The school is gonna call him and he's going to be so pissed-' my tangent was cut off when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, "Hey, are you okay?" I turned to see Flynn's large hand on my shoulder, "I- my father, he won't like me skipping school." I told him, I haven't told any of them about him and I'm not sure if I ever want to. "Don't worry about it, Caleb got us called in sick." he smiled at me and patted my shoulder softly then sat back in his seat so I took a breath and tried not to think about it. 

A few moments later I heard, "We're here." come from  Abby and watched as she opened her door and got out of the car, everyone quickly followed her out but I stayed in the car for a few seconds longer but eventually willed myself out. When I was finally got out of the SUV I shivered, the clouds had covered the sun and rain was falling heavily on us, "Come on quickly, we can talk more inside." Flynn said as he handed me a jacket that he had been wearing, I took it from him with a weak smile.

"O-oh okay..." I replied and followed after the group who were walking quickly down another dark alleyway which lead to a rusted door. Once everyone was close enough Rose opened the door with a strong pull causing the mental door to make a horrible scratching sound. Warm light spilled out from the opening, revealing tan wooden floor boards and concrete walls that looked like they had been carved up.

The group filed in one by one and shed off their coats that some of them had been wearing as the heat in the building warmed everyone up, everyone but me, I still felt freezing so I kept Flynn's jacket on. Once we moved further into the building I took in my surroundings, there were black sofas and a few coffee tables as well as a pretty large TV sitting up on the wall in one room. "Luis, this way." I heard Rose call my name from where she was standing down the hall where I saw several closed doors, one of which was a solid black that was sitting very ominously at end the end of the hallway. 

I turned to face the rest of the group who were huddled together like scared puppies, no one said anything more as we continued down the hall of doors until we reached the black door that opened suddenly, making me flinch from the sudden movement. Caleb was now standing in the doorway blue light framing his figure, he was also wearing a similar getup of dark clothes like the others but he had a headset on, he was looking at me with a little grin on his lips.

"Hey Luis, welcome to the computer lab." Caleb said, his voice the same calm tone he usually talked in as well as a welcoming expression. 'Oh god what am I doing here? I shouldn't be doing this, dad'll actually kill me.' I could feel my panic rising, I started to fiddle with my ring to try and sooth some of my anxiety, this got Caleb's attention, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, we do too so we can talk in my room. The others will wait in the living room." He said with a smile at me but sent a quick glace at the others that didn't go unnoticed by me.  

Caleb then closed the computer room door after stepping out, then turned to the others to say something to them but I didn't catch what he said. We only walked past a few doors before he opened one and stood back, letting me go in first so I took a step inside and had a quick look around before moving further into his room.

The room had an off white colour on the walls but one was a dark grey that had his bed set in front of it, white sheets and pillows covered his mattress and to the left of it was another door with a set of wooden drawers on its left. Caleb had a grey desk in the far corner of the room and it had a mountain of papers scattered over it, "Heh sorry about that, lost track of time last night." he supplied when I looked back at him with a quirked eyebrow, "I figured you for a neat freak to be honest." I told him which got a chuckle in return. Looking back at his room I noticed the floors were the same wood as the rest of the place but he had a fluffy grey rug in the middle of his room.

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