Chapter XXXI (31)

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-Luis' POV-

We were neck and neck ever since he passed me back at the first turn and the race was nearly over, the last two sections were 'Out In The Open' and 'A Tight Squeeze' which basically meant if you get there first you win unless you are willing to seriously fuck up your car. 'I still have time to get him in the open... the cops have been pretty active though so I might ditch him there if they do.' I was planning out my last move when we both floored it onto the busy road where we passed and over took not just each other but normal people in the city of New York, the lights guiding our way.

As I approached a yellow light I sped up but for a moment I glanced back to see Wyatt hesitate when the light turned red but he snapped out of it and tried to catch up, "Sorry man but that hesitation's gonna cost ya big time!" I laughed to myself at his mistake, that was until red and blue lights lit up my rear-view mirror, "FUCK!"

Strangely a sense of calmness covered my whole body as I stuck my hand out and let a bird fly to the cops, but it was also a common racers signal to say "follow me." and I hoped he knew what it meant or at least saw it. I pulled my arm back in and wound up my window then threw my hands down to the bottom of the steering wheel causing my Corvette to do a U-turn and then I kicked my foot down on the accelerator, over taking Wyatt who had also done a U-turn meaning he was in front of me but I took notice that he slowed down so I could pass him and get us more time to run.

The cops had been chasing us for two minutes and unfortunately they had started to stake up so instead of one it was now six of them and I could tell Wyatt was starting to panic as his movements become more erratic and sloppy. After a few more minutes of twists and turns down alleyways and open streets we had a helicopter above us and were getting herded into a blockade. "Jesus Christ! All this for a couple of street racers!?" 

Obviously I had to slow down or I'd turn myself into a pancake along with Wyatt, and if he got hurt it wouldn't matter if I was a pancake too I'd get beaten into mush by the Italian Mafia and I'd rather that not happen so I'll just go with scaring the cops and getting a lecture from Ryder when we  get home. 

I once again stuck my arm out of my car window and put a thumbs up so Wyatt wouldn't freak out too much. When we slowed down enough they told us to stop and take the keys out and get out of the car with my hands up, but Wyatt waited for me to act before he did anything since this is my neck of the woods and the police here are different from the ones he'd grown up with. The only thing I did do out of what the cops asked was to get out of the car and so did Wyatt, normally this would seriously piss them off but considering my status and the news report on what I did to Denver got out before we could cover it up, definitely shut them up and got me a weird look from the black haired Italian. 

"So! Who's gonna apologise for fucking up my night? Come on guys, you should this is my car by now or do you all have a death wish? Are you maybe all masochists? No shame in that but It'd be nice to know so I can make it more enjoyable for you all." I asked while I waited for whoever was in charge of this little hunting party to come out. "Why, I think it's nice of you to think of making it more enjoyable for us, I have to let you know that from my information that there is no one here who is into that unfortunately. "Came a voice from behind the wall of humans in black and blue uniforms.

"And who are you? Never met you before but it would be lovely to get acquainted with you." I answered the voice with heaving sarcasm. "My name is Allison, and it's  wonderful to meet the renowned soon to be  American Mafia leader." The voice could finally be matched to a well rounded face of a middle-aged women, her figure curvy and her height small but she seemed to be a women who took knowledge as power rather than strength.

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