62: The Little Things

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To my surprise when I entered the diningroom for lunch Kale was sitting at the table eating already. “Didn’t think you’d be here.” I commented.

Before I could make a move towards the kitchen the maid came out and smiled at me. “Would you like me to get you a plate miss?”

I shook my head and took a seat. “No, just a glass of juice would be fine. Thank you.” Rich people. I thought sourly. I could never get used to having hired help. It just felt wrong making other people do things I was perfectly capable of doing myself.

“Did you just wake up?” Kale asked as he looked up at me from his bowl of soup.

I shook my head. “No, I was doing homework.”

“Explains why your room was so quiet.” I gave him a confused look. Why would he be listening to my room anyways? Creep. As he noticed my face he laughed. “I was going to see if you wanted to go running.” he explained. “But I didn’t want to wake you up.”

“Oh.” I grumbled feeling embarrassed that his reason had been so innocent. Was I really let down that he hadn’t been listning to my room for some other reason? “Don’t you have practice today?”

“It was called off since coach’s wife had her baby this morning.”

A smile crossed my face. Babies were always so adorable. I’d never really had any time around kids but I was sure that one day I’d have one of my own. Raising a little person seemed like such a magical thing. “That’s great.”

Kale noticed the sparkle in my eyes and asked, “Do you like kids?”

“Babies.” I nodded. “Weren’t many kids on the base so I’ve never gotten to be around them for very long.”

“When I finish eating do you want to go running?” he asked and I wondered why it looked like he had some sort of secret plan forming in that head of his.

“Sure, why not.”

“Go up and change. I’ll go get you when I’m done.” he instructed as the maid brought in my glass of juice. I accepted it from her and left the dining room. Normally I wouldn’t have obeyed an order from Kale. This time however I couldn’t seem to stop myself as I drank the juice on the way up to my room. He hadn’t instructed me with his normal air of superiority.

By the time I’d pulled on my clothes and finished my juice the sound of Kale knocking on my door made me gawk at the wood. Kale. Knocking. What is going on here? I wondered as I shook my head and strode across the room to the door. Ever since that kiss he’d been acting differently. I wasn’t sure exactly why. I wasn’t even sure if it was a change for the better. Annoying flirty Kale had been sort of fun.

I opened the door to be greeted with a huge smile from him. No classical Kale smirk, just a normal human being smile. I found myself smiling back ever so slightly. “Are you ready to go?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

With this established we headed down the stairs and he waited patiently as I slipped into my running shoes and tied up the laces. “I was thinking you should let me pick where we go today.”

It Began With a SmirkWhere stories live. Discover now