01 || Danes

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(Flashbacks are in italic)

Arms crossed against her leather breastplate, Ailis' eyes roamed the battlefield. Guards were burying the lifeless bodies, but there were so many that birds were already flying near. She let out a sigh. So many deaths. Again.

For few months, Danes were attacking villages in Ulaid. But today, they tried to take Navan Fort, the capital of the Kingdom. They failed, but Ailis knew there will be a next time. Two years ago, the King had ordered the attack of a Dane's settlement. Now, they wanted revenge.

She looked away when she heard footsteps approaching. Conall and two guards were walking to her. The King of Ulaid stopped next to her, observing the damages of the battle. He stayed silent as Ailis stared at him. His dark hair was dirty as his face. She could see few tears streaming down his cheeks. He slowly took the crown on his head and with a scream of rage, that surely could be heard miles from here, he threw it away. She watched it fall on the grass, next to a Dane's body. She waited a moment for Conall to calm down.

"We need help." She simply said.

"Damn them." Mumbled Conall.

"They'll come back and we need allies to face them."

"I know." On this word, he left her side. She sighed, once again.

The wind made her shivered. It was almost dawn and the atmosphere started to be colder. She tightened up the cloak on her shoulders and followed Conall.

They walked down the ramparts and entered in the throne room, full of people speaking. All voices shut as Conall crossed the crowd, Ailis just behind him. Dealla, the Queen, was already standing near the throne. Ailis could feel her viper eyes on her. She ignored it. Conall sat on his throne and she stood next to him.

He slowly brushed his beard as whispers filled the room. Ailis bit her lips. She could easily imagine what they were saying. Conall's crown was endangered since he was made King. She couldn't even count how many treasons were planned by the Lords of Ulaid. Hopefully, none of them ever see the day.

Conall suddenly stood up, making the room silent once again. "This has to end." He made few steps towards the Lords. "We won't let the Danes ransack our lands any longer."

"But Lord King, we don't have enough men." Said a young Lord. He seemed to quickly regret his intervention when Conall looked to him with his deep brown eyes full of anger.

"I know." He said in a soft tone. "That's why we will need an ally. A strong ally." Ailis smiled a little. Finally, Conall will ask for the help of the other kingdoms of Ireland. "An ally that has already defeated the Danes. And which Kingdom has done it better than Wessex?"

Voices rose up. Ailis' mouth opened in shock. How could he expect Wessex to help them? The Kingdom was at the other side of the sea. They had not made any contact with Wessex since decades. This was complete madness. But Conall seemed determined. He raised his hand in the air to have the Lords' attention once again.

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