08 || Sea

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The dinner in Aeglesburgh wasn't as warming as in Coccham. There was no story telling nor jokes, only serious matters and long gazes hiding truth Ailis would probably never hear of it. But it wasn't strange to her and it somehow relieved her to know things were the same in different courts.

"Your King must have a great trust in you to send you here, Lady Ailis."

Ailis turned her gaze to Aethelflead, surprised the woman wanted to start a conversation with her.

"We know each other since we are kids and our families were closed, it helps." She smiled.

"Women having the full trust of men are rare, I am glad I had the chance to meet one." Aethelflead said before drinking from her cup.

During their journey to Aeglesburgh, the men told her about Aethelflead and the strong woman she was. Indeed, being a woman in that world wasn't an easy thing but it could also be a gift as Ailis learnt during the past years. Men could be oblivious in a woman presence, forgetting they had a mind too.

The dinner conversation finally turned to a lighter as more and more ale was poured in cups. Ailis left her seat to join Finan at the other side of the table. His friend's eyes were sparking as she took place on the chair, leaning to grab the jag.

"Is there something between them?" She asked, pointing Aethelflead and Uhtred further.

An amused smile appeared on Finan's face. "There was." She raised an eyebrow, not really convince. "To take the Mercian's throne, she swore to remain chaste."

"Courageous." She commented, taking a sip of ale. "She's probably regretting right now." Finan chuckled a little.

"She's just like you, devoted to her duty."

"That's the common point of many women, Finan, no matter who our fathers are."

He nodded, avoiding her eyes. She finished her cup and stood up.

"I should go, we have a long road tomorrow, and I really need to rest."

As she started to leave, Finan grabbed her wrist, causing her to turn away.

"Ailis... Thank you, for yesterday. For staying with me." Her lips parted, thinking of his words and her future owns.

"Finan. No matter what we have become, you are still my friend." His hand slipped to hers and she lightly squeezed his fingers. "I don't want to lose you, not another time."

Something sparked in Finan's eyes through the alcohol. She couldn't explain what it was but somehow, it acted on her, causing her to hold her breath just few seconds. It was the first he looked at her like that and far from being the last.

During their journey to Chester, she caught him several time. First it was small glances after he had made a joke, watching the way her face would light as she laughed. It would make her stop chuckling, meeting his brown eyes as he smirked. Then, it was longer staring, around the fire or when they were riding. She grew to appreciate the ways his eyes would detail her features. And without even knowing, she, sometimes, found herself looking at him the same way. She noticed the man, not only the warrior, he had become. The way he cared for his companion as much as they cared for him. He was more mature, and ironically, when he started to laugh heartily, she could see the boy he was. And as much as the boy softened her, the man had a different effect on her. Indescribable but not less pleasant.

It took them more than a week to join Chester, rain making their travel harder. The weather was getting clearer as reached the city but Finan and Sihtric kept express their doubt about the sky getting darker once they'll be on the ship. All of it to scare Osferth, who didn't more to feel unsure about the crossing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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