07 || Truth

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It was early in the morning that the five warriors left Coccham. Ailis was still sleepy when she mounted her horse, the heat of her cloak around her shoulders tempting her to fall asleep. But she resisted, keeping her back straight and letting her hips follow the horse's rhythm.

Uhtred was at the head of the group, leading them to Aeglesburgh. They would stop here to meet the Lady Aethelflead and ask her to provide them a boat. Ailis liked the idea of making a stop to another city just for a night. She didn't travel much. In fact, it was the first time she was out of Ulaid. Now that she was accompanied by Uhtred's and his men, she found much more pleasant to ride all day.

Most of the time, they would talk about their past travels and battles. But despite the good humor, Ailis couldn't help but think about the conversation she had with Finan the last night they spent at Coccham. She knew he hadn't still said the truth to Uhtred, but she didn't want to push him. So, she simply glared at him time to time during the day or when they were all around the fire. But Finan would only avoid her eyes.

The fifth day of their travel, Osferth became very curious about Ireland. He wanted to know how it looked like.

"Well, it's green and it's raining half the year." She said, shrugging.

"That's not so different from here, then." Commented Sihtric, behind her.

"Is there great cities?" Asked Osferth. Ailis looked up to the cloudy sky.

"Such as Winchester? Only Navan Fort." She licked her lips slightly while remembering all she learnt about the city. She had understood Osferth was quite curious when it came to learn more about faraway lands. "The city is built on a hilltop from where we can see for miles. It's an old city with still vestiges of our ancient's gods. It is said that the Goddess Macha founded it." She told him with a small smile.

Even if she believed in God, she had always been fascinated by the beliefs of her ancestors. And it seemed that Osferth was intrigued as well.

"The city is pleasant in time of peace. There's the biggest market of the Kingdom and festivities are regularly organized." She sighed, remembering the good days she passed to run through Navan Fort's street.

"Do you miss it?" Asked the former monk with a little smile, like he could perfectly imagine how was the city.

"I miss my youth, Osferth, when I had the time to appreciate this city." She lightly laughed.

"But it's your home. You must miss it." Her gaze stayed fixed to Osferth's one, but she wasn't looking at him. Could she still call Navan Fort her home? It was the place where she belonged, where peoples needed her. But was it still home since Finan's banishment? Since Conall was King? Since her father was dead? She blinked several times before forcing a smile on her lips.

"You are right. I miss it."

Their discussion ended here, Osferth's horse swerved causing him to squeal and Sihtric to laugh. As he tried to lead his mount back on the road, Ailis felt Finan's eyes on her. He was in front of her and was watching her above his shoulder, a knowing expression on his face. She had no doubt he listened to their conversation.

She shook her head and leaned back on her mare to catch her flask and drink a large gulp. When she straightened up, Finan wasn't looking at her anymore, Sihtric stopped laughing and Osferth's horse was aligned with hers again.

That day, they stopped an hour before dawn. They made their camp in a clearing, not too far from the road. Nights were still fresh despite the heat coming with the spring, so Ailis started to collect wood for the fire. She knew Finan was doing the same thing, and even if they didn't take the same direction, after a while they met.

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