02 || King Edward

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Finan was awakened by the sound of knocks on his door

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Finan was awakened by the sound of knocks on his door. He slowly rubbed his eyes still feeling the effects of the ale he drank last night. It's been three days since he was in Winchester with Uhtred, Sihtric and Osferth. The four of them mostly spend their time in the alehouse, laughing and drinking. He turned his head when he heard the creak of the door.

"Finan?" He easily recognized the voice of Osferth. "Finan, are you sleeping?"

"I was." He growled.

"Are you... Alone?" Asked Osferth on a hesitant voice. Finan frowned. For sure, he was naked since he could feel directly the furs on his skin. He also was sure that he was alone when he went back to his chamber. But he was drunk and he couldn't really trust his mind. So, with his palm he tapped the other side of the bed, searching for any sign of someone.

"I am." He answered. Osferth sighed in relief and walked in. Finan straightened up and raised an eyebrow to his friend. "What is it?"

"The Lord is looking for you."

"For what?"

"The Witan has been summoned. He is waiting for you on the palace's stairs."

"Oh, Jesus." Sworn Finan. Osferth covered his eyes when the Irishman took out the furs and walked, absolutely naked, in the room, searching his clothes. He quickly put them on and gently slapped Osferth shoulder. "Thank you, Baby Monk."

He left the chamber and ran down the stairs of the alehouse to finally join the outside. The air was cold this morning but it has the advantage to clear up his head from the alcohol's effects. Winchester was waking up too. Merchants were setting their stalls, smiths were already hitting the iron and whores were kissing one last time their client.

Finally, he reached the palace where Uhtred was waiting for him sitting on the stairs. "Just in time, Finan."

"As always, Lord." The two men made their way in the palace. Other Lords were following their steps. When they entered the throne room, all the chairs were already taken. So, they took place at right of the room. "Why was the Witan summoned?" Finan demanded.

"I don't know." He answered, raising his shoulders.

The King entered the room alongside his father-in-law, Lord Aethelhelm. He went to sit on the throne and shushed the Lords by raising his hand. Not long after, the doors opened again to let in a woman and two guards. She was stunning with her long red hair falling in her back and her piercing blue eyes. Her skin looked like porcelain even though there was some dirt on it. She was not dressed like any other Lady. She was wearing a warrior outfit and a cloak was covering her shoulders. As he stared at her, Finan frowned. There was something troubling him about the woman. He had the impression of knowing her.

"Lord King. Thank you for agreeing to meet." She spoke with a soft Irish accent. Finan looked into the void, his mind travelling into his memories to remember where he has seen her. It must be when he was still in Ireland, but those days were far from him now.

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