05 || Last Memories

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The next day, the Witan was summoned once more

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The next day, the Witan was summoned once more. But this time, the sun was already high in the sky when the Lords took place in the throne's room. Finan and Uhtred stood behind the chairs, as the eve. Remembering the words of Ailis, the Irishman supposed that today, Edward would announce the agreement he had with her.

The redhead was in front of him. Her hair was carefully braided. He remembered her as a girl, spending hours braiding her ardent lock of hair and sprinkling flowers in it. But obviously, it quickly became a mess when he and his brother came around, daring her to fight them with wooden swords. He smiled at the memories. And maybe she thought about this old time too, because she smiled back at him.

As always, the room shuttered when the King made his entrance. Edward sat on his throne and crossed his fingers together before rising his voice. "I have reunited the Witan once more to tell you about the proposition I made to Lady Ailis. Proposition that she accepted." All gazes turned to the Irishwoman. But she didn't shudder. She kept her shoulders straight and her chin a little higher. Her eyes were cold, letting no emotion show through.

At this right moment, she wasn't Ailis, his childhood friend, but the Lady and warrior. A woman with a sharp mind and a duty to keep.

"She will go back to Ulaid with a letter from my own hand, telling to King Conall that in exchange of a promise of marriage of one of his daughters to my son, I will guarantee him that the Danes won't attack them."

"Excuse me Lord King, but why doing such an agreement with a such far Kingdom ?". Asked an old Lord, rising from his chair.

"Because, if the Danes defeat the Irish, one day they'll get their revenge and will attack the Danes' lands in England." He narrowed his eyes as he answered to the Lord. "We want peace in England. Don't we ?"

"We do, Lord King." He admitted, sitting back on his chair. Edward nodded with an appreciative air.

"Lady Ailis won't go back alone. I would like Lord Uhtred to accompany her. He knows well the Danes way, and I want him to be my voice when negotiations will come."

Finan's eyes opened wide. If Uhtred was going to Ulaid, it meant he would have to go too. He felt his guts turned as his last memories of Ireland flew through his mind. Moira's tears, the guards' blow, the blood on his hands, the silent crowd and finally his brother's eyes. A thrill run down his collarbone, giving sudden life to the scars on his back, the pain coming again. His breath accelerates as the Witan continued on other subjects. He tried his best to calm down but when he felt Ailis' eyes on him, everything stopped.

Her blue eyes were reassuring. They were light like the water of a lake during a hot summer. He didn't have to speak to Ailis for her to understand what anguish petrified him. She offered him a small smile and he felt his shoulder sag.

She broke their gaze when the King announced the end of the Witan. The two Irish followed Lord Uhtred as he walked out of the room. Ailis briefly put her hand on Finan shoulder, rising an eyebrow. The corner of his mouth timidly rose to assure her that he was good. She silently nodded and joined Uhtred ahead.

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