06 || Coccham

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Believe it or not but I have forgotten the existence of Wattpad and forgot to post  here D': 

Anyway, I have 7 chapters to catch up here lmaooo

The rode to Coccham was calm and Ailis thanked God for that. Just like Uhtred told her, it took them a day and half to arrive. They had stopped just before dawn to prepare a camp for the night. The four men were of good company around the fire. They spend most of the evening telling old stories about each of their beliefs. Ailis quickly understood that the purpose of this was to scare the one nicknamed "Baby Monk". He had maintained that he wasn't afraid, but the Irishwoman noticed him blench few times when noises were to be heard further in the wood.

Midday had passed when Ailis perceived the wooden walls of Coccham. Indeed, it wasn't as big as Winchester, but it seemed pleasant. When they arrived, a small amount of people gathered near the gates, greeting the warriors' return. The group dismounted their horses and walked to the stables. As she was unsealing her mare, Ailis' attention was caught by Finan.

He was talking to a woman with a long ginger hair, a little lighter than Ailis' one. She had a big smile as she spoke to the Irishman. Near them, there was a little boy, no more than ten, with a thick brown hair. Finan ruffled it, laughing at something the woman said.

"She's not his wife." She jumped when she heard the voice of Uhtred behind her. She turned to him, noting the amused smirk of the Lord. "And he's not his son."

"I was not..." She tried to protest, but she cut herself. It would be a lie to say that she didn't think them to be his family. She shook her head and posed the saddle on a fence. "Does he have a wife?" She asked to Uhtred.

"No. There were some women, but he never married one." Ailis frowned. During all this time, she expected him to have at least married someone. But as she dedicated her life to her duty to the King, Finan seemed to have dedicated his to be a warrior. "Come, I'll show you where you'll sleep." He waved to her and she took her bag.

As she walked alongside Uhtred, she took the time to observe the village. The houses were all of reasonable sizes, just enough to shelter a family. But there was a building that was way bigger than the others. And it seemed, it was where they were going. Uhtred pushed one of the doors and Ailis discovered a giant room. A large table was in the middle of it, messy chairs around. On each side, weapons of all sorts were hung on the walls and a wooden stair was leading to a floor where she could perceive a bed. It was far from being Winchester's palace or the castle of Navan Fort. It was simpler, but it felt warmer than the cold stones. The Lord of Coccham led her to a door that revealed a room. Ailis let her bag drop on the bed and sat on it.

"I hope it'll be fine for the night." Said Uhtred, leaning on the door frame. She let a hand brushed the fur, appreciating the softness of it and looked up to him.

"It's more than I could have asked for." He nodded with a smile and straightened. He crossed his arms and took a more serious expression.

"So, talk to me about those Danes." Ailis moistened her lips, mentally bringing together all she knew.

"Thorvard was the man at the head of the settlement and it appears that it's also him who leads the attacks in Ulaid." She had never met him, only crossed his gaze during battle. He was tall with the shoulders of a bull. She never had fought him, but she had seen him, slaying her best warriors with his axe. His weapon was bigger than a usual one, however he wielded it as it was a feather.

"Sigtryggr isn't there?" Queried Uhtred, narrowing his eyes.

"No, he isn't. He never came to Ulaid. Even if he's pledged to Sigtryggr, Thorvard's revenge only serves him." Uhtred lightly nodded.

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