•~Chapter 1~•

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(A/n) So basically, i've never written story before, let alone an x reader, so we'll see how this goes. Also if it's italic and underlined like this then it's the readers thoughts.

edit: Looking back on this entire story, i think it's very cringey oop but as long as people enjoy it, i'll leave it posted.

I am the year younger sister of Marco Diaz. My best friend is Star Butterfly, she's an exchange student from another dimension, pretty cool if you ask me. I'm really average, nothing special about me, the only time my life isn't boring is when i'm with Star and Marco.

Star hasn't been on Earth for too long, but she, Marco and I have become really close and we hangout all the time. Star is really bubbly and really extroverted, Marco is super protective of me and now, Star too. As for me I am literally so shy, that's until i'm actually comfortable with someone, then i'm actually really talkative and stuff.

I was just getting home from school. Marco and Star we're off on some adventure all day. It's totally not fair, I could've been off fighting monsters, but nooo, instead i was sitting in a classroom all day bored out of my mind.

"Hey mom", I said walking in the door.

"Oh hello (Y/n), did you have a good day at school"

"Yeah, it was fine, are Marco and Star back yet?" I said as I was going up the stairs.

"Mhm, I think they're in Star's room"

"Thanks, mom"

I walked into Stars room to see star walking over to her inter-dimensional mirror thingy. How in the world does that thing evens work.

"Hi (Y/n)"

"Hey Marco"

Star hadn't noticed me yet.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall, call mom" Star said.

"Calling Tom" the mirror replied.

A guy appeared on the screen or mirror agh idk. He was tall, had Salmon coloured hair, light purple skin, he's kinda cute. He had three eyes and horns, hold up is this demon ex-boyfriend tom?.

"Star!" he exclaimed with excitement.

"NoNoNoNoNoNooo" Star said just before she hung up.

Star sighed, then turned around and finally noticed me. She ran over and gave me a hug.

"(Y/n)!! I haven't seen you in like yearsssss."

"Jeez Star, it's only been like 6 hours" the three of us started laughing.

Marco decided to make some nachos, which was great cause I was so hungry after school.

"Yo guys imma go make some nachos, ok? i'll bring them up when they're done"

"Kk bro"

"okiiii" star said clearly excited for some nachos.

I don't blame her though, Marco's nachos are soooo good. I think Star was trying to talk to me but I was completely zoned out, i couldn't get the image of Tom out of my mind. Maybe i should say it to Star, it might be her ex but even if it is i'm sure she wouldn't mind, i mean she's star. I start to zone back in and hear Star,

"HellooOoOoOo? (Y/n) are you listening?"

"No sorry I was uh- thinking, hey Star can i ask a question?"

"Of courseee girl, what is it?"

"Was the guy on the mirror your ex boyfriend Tom or was it someone different?"

"Yup that's ex boyfriend Tom alright" she said, letting out a sigh.


"Why'd you ask" Star said with a suspicious look on her face.

"No Reason" I said slightly blushing, I don't think she noticed, thankfully.

"There is definitely a reason, come onnn (Y/n), we're gal pals, we tell each other everythinggg"

"i already told you, there's no reason" i'm not great at lying.

"(Y/n) I know you're lying, please please please please tell meeee" Star whined.

"Ok ok ok... Fine!"

"yay heheh"

"I thought he was kinda, really cute" i said really quickly.

"O-M-G, I DEFINITELY SHIP" Star shouted

"Shhhh shhhh Star be quiet, i don't want Marco to know, he's so protective"

"Don't want Marco to know what?" said Marco, standing in the doorway with a plate of nachos.

I give Star an intense and pleading look, she looks at me and then looks at Marco then back at me.

"Don't you dare tell himmmm" I whisper over to her.

"I'm totally gonna tell himmmm" she whispered back.

"What the heck is going on here, tell me what?"Marco said.

"(Y/n) thinks Tom is really cute" Star blurted out loudly.

"What?!?!?" Marco said

Jeez I legit just think he's cute it isn't that big of a deal.

(A/n) There's like almost no Tom in this chapter but there will be, don't worry, just give it timeee.

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