•~Chapter 5~•

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I woke up and it was bright, so I opened my eyes. Tom and I were face to face and we were so close to each other. He wasn't awake yet. He must have put his arms around me in his sleep, he was holding onto me like a teddy bear. I can't believe this is happening, I thought this kinda of stuff only happened in wattpad stories. He was so cute, I looked around and no one else was awake. I think I woke him up from moving to see if anyone was awake. His eyes fluttered open. Wow his deep red coloured eyes are so cool.

"Good morning (Y/n)" he said in a sleepy voice.

That sleepy voice is perfection omg, the huskiness and everything .

"Good Morning Tommy" I replied.

"Tommy?" he said

"Oh um I didn't mean to call you that, i'll make sure to just call you Tom."

"No it's nice, you can call me Tommy."

I think it was only then that he realised he had his arms around me. He abruptly pulled his arms away.

"Sorry about that" he laughed quietly and awkwardly.

"No don't be sorry, cuddle buddies, remember?"

"Oh yeah" Tom smiled.

I put my arm around him and gave him a quick hug. He's so warmmm.

"Plus, you kept me nice and warm" we both giggled. "How bout we get up and make some breakfast for the others before they wake up?, ooh we could make pancakes!"

"Uh thats a great idea and all (Y/n), but i don't know how to cook pancakes, or anything really" Tom replied.

"Aw that's ok, I can teach you"

"Okay, let's go then dude"

We both stood up and Tom turned around to put on his socks. But wait a damn minute, what? is that a tail?.

"Tom?! You have a tail?!"

He turned around looking VERY embarrassed.

"Uh- no, I don't know what your talking about"

"Come on Tommy I saw it" I replied giggling.

"Wait your not weirded out or anything?" he looked confused.

"No, I think it's cool" I smiled at him.

"Oh" he smiled back.

• Tom P.O.V. •
Can this girl get any better? I have a tail...A TAIL. She finds out, and thinks it's cool. She is the sweetest person I have ever met. My horns and three eyes is already usually too much for people, especially humans, so I just hide my tail. (Y/n) is so accepting, I love it.

"I usually hide my tail, people find it weird" I said looking down. I for real do not know why the eyes and horns are usually ok with people, but a tail? Nooo.

"Well I don't think you should, who cares what everyone else thinks." (Y/n) said, which made me feel so much better.

"Well let's go make some pancakes." I said because I was so hungry.

• (Y/n)'s P.O.V. •
We went downstairs and started to get all the ingredients out, I showed Tom how to make the pancakes. We were just chatting while they were cooking in the frying pan.

"(Y/n)?" Tom said about to ask a question.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"How are you so accepting and non-judgemental of people?"

"Well,  I think it's because that's how I want to be treated, people are usually very judgemental of me, because well... people are shallow. Most people just think i'm the shy, weird girl, and not being entirely pretty doesn't help."

"First off, your beautiful so it's definitely not anything to do with that. Also SHY? i've known you for a while now and you are anything but shy."

Butterflies, Tom lucitor just called me beautiful oh my lord. 

"Well Tom your apparently the only person who thinks i'm pretty-"

"Beautiful." he corrected me.

"Sorry beautiful, I don't think so and neither does anyone else. And yes i'm VERY shy, just not around people i'm comfortable with, when i'm comfortable with people then it's like I don't have to worry about them thinking i'm weird or annoying."

"So you're  comfortable with me?" Tom asked

"Wellll, I don't think i'm entirely myself around you...yet"

"Wait so you're not comfortable with me?" He looked kinda sad, making a pouty face.

"Well of course i'm comfortable with you, I mean I legit slept in the same bed as you last night".

"How come you're not yourself around me then?"

"I am, I just don't act as crazy around you, because well you know already so... it's because of my stupid crush on you" I said blushing and looking down.

He put his hand on on my chin, lifting my head back up. "Hey no need to be embarrassed about it, I think you should be yourself around me, I'll like you no matter how crazy you are." He smiled.

Wait did he just confess, I think that was kind of a confession I don't know.

"Wait YOU like me?!" I pulled away from him a little.

"Well yeah, of course I do...I honestly thought it pretty obvious" he giggled.

"OMG" I said, only just realising how loud I said it. "sorry...I just can't believe YOU would like ME."

"How couldn't I have a crush on you?, you're perfect"

We both smiled. We had spent so long talking that we were finished making the pancakes. We put some toppings on the table and set a place with pancakes for everyone. We called everyone down. They all groggily walked down the stair and into the kitchen.

"Good morning sleeping beauties!" I said

"(Y/n) and I made pancakes for everyone"

"Ooh I could get used to this, Are you sure you didn't poison this or something Tom?" Ponyhead said.

"Of course not jeez" He replied.

"You two are too good to us" Janna said stuffing her face with food.

We all ate up our food, and cleaned up after ourselves. Everyone got changed out of their pyjamas. We were in the living room, I was talking to Star.

"Star i've to tell you something?" I whispered and pulled her aside from everyone else.

"Ooh what is it (Y/n), spill the tea?" she looked excited.

"Well while Tom and I were making pancakes we were talking and he told me...that well...he has a crush on me too" I replied

"OMG (Y/n) THIS IS PERFECT" She said, quite loudly.

"Star shhh, I don't want everyone to know, and I don't know if Tom does either"

"Oh sorrryyy, This is perfect, you two would make the cutest couple" she whispered.

Demon boy • Tom Lucitor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now