•~Chapter 9~•

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(A/n) This has 200 reads now, so that's kinda crazy.

As we got inside it was so full of people dancing , chatting and having fun. When I say people, I mean demons. It didn't bother me one bit though, this was literally a dream of mine. Walking into this ball was already so amazing but having Tom by my side made it even better.

I was having so much fun, don't get me wrong but I felt a little weird. There was demons staring at me and whispering about me.

"Is there something the matter (Y/n)?" Tom looked at me after just finishing a conversation with someone.

"No i'm fine..." I lied.

"Come on cupcake, what's up?" He furrowed his brows.

"Well it's just I don't think anyone appreciates me being here, they're all staring at me and talking about me." I looked down.

He lifted my chin and said "Could you blame them for staring? You look amazing" he smiled.

That made me feel a little better but I still knew  I didn't really fit in here. A ballroom dance sort of song came on.

"May I have this dance?" Tom said reaching his hand out.

"Uhm...I don't really know how to dance..." I replied.

Tom looked confused, "But I thought this was one of your dreams?"

"Well yeah but I didn't think i'd ever actually go to a ball!" I retorted.

"Well, just follow my lead then" he said smiling.

I took his hand and I stepped on his feet a few times but after a few minutes we were practically gliding around the room together. The music got faster and we got faster with it. It was like I wasn't even trying anymore. People started to stop and watch us, I quickly looked up and a red light began to shine on us. I twirled and Tom dipped me quite low and the music came to a sudden halt.

There was a moment of silence where me and Tom were staring at each other, I was still in the low dip and could feel his warm breath on my cheek. Then everyone started to cheer and clap, Tom brought me back up swiftly. I didn't  know what to do having everyone staring at me and cheering for me, I wasn't very used to it. I nuzzled into Tom trying to hide my face. He laughed, put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"Hey Tommy, what was with the red light that randomly came down us?" I whispered into his ear.

"I'll tell you later..." He whispered back.

People settled a bit and everyone started dancing again. I was having so much fun, but it had all gotten a small bit overwhelming so I had decided to slip away and step outside. Tom hadn't noticed because he was having a conversation with one of his relatives. It was really peaceful and quiet outside, I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the silence for a moment.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I heard from behind me which gave me a bit of a fright.

"Oh Hey" I replied, it was Tom.

"Whatcha doing outside, you not having fun?" He questioned.

"No, I'm having so much fun! It was just getting a bit loud so I stepped out for a little" I said gesturing for him to come over.

Tom walked over and put his arm around me. We stood enjoying the quiet for a moment when Tom said softly

"Cupcake...Can I ask you a question?" He looked at me.

"Of course" I smiled.

"(Y/n) I feel like even though I haven't known you for too long, I really like you. When i'm around you I just feel so genuinely happy. I wanted to ask, will you be my g-girlfriend?" He asked looking into my eyes.

Omg omg omg omg. "YES...I mean yes" I smiled. His entire face completely lit up.

"Phew, I was so worried that you would reject me" He said and laughed.

"Are you serious? You thought i'd reject you? That's crazy." I laughed

"Wait why is that so crazy?" He asked me.

"Well I guess I still didn't fully believe the fact that you like me, I still don't know what you see in me" I said fiddling with my hair.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe your such an amazing person (Y/n)? You are perfect in every way possible" He kissed me on the forehead.

"I'm so happy I found you Tommy"

"Me too Cupcake...me too"

Demon boy • Tom Lucitor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now