•~Chapter 14~•

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"What are you talking about?!" He was yelling at me and I could see the anger rise in him. His eyes turned fully red.

"Tommy..." I stood back, realising I was a little afraid. I felt tears running down my face. I turned to get away for a bit, I walked towards the stairs and sat down.

I think he has realised how aggressive he had gotten because, he walked over to me looking a lot calmer.

"(Y/n)...I-" he said softly.

"No Tom. I get it. It's fine." I said wiping away one of my tears.

"I don't know why you'd think I want Lilith to be my girlfriend (Y/n)" He said down beside me.

"She told me that before she left, you asked her to be your girlfriend and like I tried to tell you, she legitimately told me that she was going to take you from me..." I said still through tears.

"Wait what? I have never asked her to be my girlfriend." Tom asked confused.

"See, now you know!" I said looking at him.

"(Y/n), that could have been a simple misunderstanding. I really truly want to believe you but she's my best friend, she has been for years now. I can't just turn my back on her because you said so. I hope you understand." He said looking genuinely conflicted.

I had an idea, "Tom it's not like I want it ruin your friendship but I think you deserve to know what she's really like. Listen I have an idea so please just go with it. I'll go into the kitchen and you just wait outside the door and listen." I said hoping he'd agree to do it.

He sighed loudly and reluctantly said, "Fine...".

We walked over to the kitchen door and he stood back a little staying quiet, I walked in. Tom's parents were gone and Lilith was just sat at the table. I sat down knowing Tom was listening and said,

"Hey Lilith" I smiled.

"Hi" she replied coldly. "Where's Tom?"

"Oh he went up to his room" I lied. She didn't respond.

Are you kidding me, the one time I need her to she decided not to say anything mean. That's what I thought until,

"Listen here, I don't care who you think you are but Tom will be mine. He clearly hates you" she piped up. "But let's be honest why wouldn't he, I mean just look at you." She laughed. I sat there in silence just staring at her, though I knew it was all talk it still made me sad. "You don't deserve Tom, I do" She sneered.

Before she could continue, Tom burst in. "That. is. enough!!!" He shouted, clearly angry. That anger quickly turned to a look of sadness.

I walked over to him a took his hand gently staring up at him. He gave my hand a quick squeeze and let go. Lilith looked so shocked when Tom burst in.

"Tom I- It's not what it sounded like!" She pleaded.

"Lilith. It is exactly what it sounded like" he said calmly. I decided not to say anything but rather stand beside him. "I can't believe you, this my girlfriend and she's done nothing but be nice to you and make me happy. Why would you wanna take that happiness away from me?" He continued clearly sounding hurt.

Lilith snapped out of her flustered state and her face tended up. " I just think- no,  I know you can do so much better than her" She looked me up and down.

I saw his fists ball up and his expression tense, so I put my hand on him arm. His posture relaxed. "Leave..." He said in a monotone voice.

"What?!" Lilith said looking disgusted.

"You heard what I said. Leave. Now." He said raising his voice slightly.

She got flustered, picked up all her things and headed for the door. We watched as she walked out of the kitchen and our the front door.

"FINE! But don't come running to me when you get bored of that bitch!" She said rushing out.

"You won't need to worry about that!" Tom shouted, and with that, she was gone.

It was such a relief.

Demon boy • Tom Lucitor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now