•~Chapter 8~•

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It had been a few days, Tom said he had some things to do and that he'd be pretty busy for a few days. We have just mostly been texting. I was in my room just playing some minecraft when Star called me to come downstairs. I got up, put some shoes on and walked down.

"Yeah Star?" I said.

"(Y/nnnn)! There's someone outside for you. heheheh" she said looking really excited.

"Um okay?" I walked over and opened the door.

Tom was stood there wearing a white and pink suit. He was stood in front of a carriage with a skeleton horse.

"(Y/n), cupcake, I remember you said one of your dreams was to go to a ball, to wear a ball gown and dance and have fun. So I would like to ask you, (Y/n) will you go to the blood moon ball with me?" He said smiling.

"Omg omg omg of course I will, thankyou thankyou. Is this for real?" I ran over and hugged him.

"Yeah, Star said that she'll help with the ballgown. So i'm going to finish up getting a few things ready and when your ready to go just ring this bell" He handed me a little bell.

"Oh my god, this is going to be so much fun. Thankyou so much." I said. "Also one thing before you go, the dead horse with fire was a nice touch" I joked.

The horse turned around and said "Wait i'm dead?"

Tom and I laughed, he got into the carriage, and just before he left the horse turned around again and said, "Why didn't you tell me i'm dead?!".

I can't believe this is happening, i'm going to an actual ball.

I ran back into Star excitedly, and we both fangirled for a minute. We went up to Stars room and she let me try a few different dresses but I decided on one that would match with Toms suit.

"Wow so prettyyyyy but let's not forget the shoes" Star said

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"Wow so prettyyyyy but let's not forget the shoes" Star said.

I took off the dress a shoes whilst Star helped me with my makeup so as not to get it dirty

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I took off the dress a shoes whilst Star helped me with my makeup so as not to get it dirty.

I put my dress and shoes back on, curled my hair and I was finally ready to go

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I put my dress and shoes back on, curled my hair and I was finally ready to go. Star and I went downstairs and I said good bye to Marco.

"I'm so lucky to have a friend like you Star, Thankyou so much for helping me" I said before ringing the bell.

"It was no problem at all, now go and have fun"

I rang the bell and Tom arrived in the carriage.
He stepped out and I walked down towards him.

He looked up at me and stopped. "Wow...you look absolutely beautiful (Y/n)". Tom said staring at me.

"Why thank you good sir, you don't look so bad yourself" I giggled as we both sat into the carriage.

When we arrived at the ball Tom stepped out first and took my hand, helping me out while I held my dress with my other hand. We linked arms and walked towards the door together.

This is a bit short so sorry, but i just need to figure out what i want to happen at the ball. Hey also just wanted to say if you like Kylo Ren, please check out my other story <3

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