•~Chapter 13~•

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Tom hadn't answered my calls or texts. I kept wondering why he was so quick to dismiss what I said and side with Lilith. I just wanted to talk it out with him but I couldn't get a hold of him at all.

I didn't want to give up so I made a plan to do to the underworld to Tom's place, he couldn't exactly ignore me when we were face to face. I didn't tell Star or Marco because they would insist on coming with me but I wanted to do this alone. I snuck into Stars room while she downstairs and searched through her things for her dimensional scissors.

"Ahah!" I covered my mouth immediately realising how loud I had been. "Ok I can do this..." I whispered to myself.

I thought about the underworld and Tom's place really hard and just cut into the air. A portal to the underworld in front of Tom's house appeared.

"It worked!" I exclaimed.

I stepped through putting the scissors in my bag. I felt the heat hit my face as I got through the portal. I took a deep breath and walked up to the door readying my self to meet Tom. I knocked on the door a few times and suddenly the huge doors opened. I was expecting to be staring into Tom's three eyes but it wasn't him.

"Uh Hi, i'm (Y/n). I was just looking for Tom" I said to the man standing opposite me.

"Oh (Y/n)! Tom's girlfriend, am I right?" He asked.

"Yeah that's me..." I felt a little awkward, I didn't even know who this man was.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tom's dad, you can call me Dave!" He said shaking my hand and gesturing for me to come inside.

"You're Tom's dad but you're not -"

"Not a demon?" he interrupted me.

"uhm yeah" I replied.

"Correct, Tom's only half demon, though he'd probably deny it." He laughed and I giggled knowing it's true.

"Tom isn't going to be long, he should be home soon. Would you like to come have a drink with my wife and I, while you wait?" He asked kindly.

"Yeah that'd be nice" I replied.

We walked through the house and to the kitchen. It was all just as huge as I remembered. Wrathmelior, Tom's Mum was in the kitchen.

"Honey, (Y/n)'s here. Would you mind getting some drinks?" Dave said to her.

She said something in Demon-tongue which I couldn't understand. We sat down and I took a sip of my drink, I had no idea what it was but it tasted really good.

"So (Y/n)? What brings you to visit Tom?" Tom's dad asked.

I thought about it for a minute, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell them about the situation. They were Tom's parents after all, maybe they could help or give me advice. You know what i'll just tell them...

I explained everything that had happened and about how mean Lilith had been...

"So now Tom won't talk to me, but I was only telling the truth..." I finished.

Wrathmelior said something so Dave translated,

"I'm not going to repeat exactly what she said because that would be rude" He chuckled. "but it's somewhere along the lines of, I never liked that mean girl and she's not good for Tom. To be honest I agree with her, no ones ever spoken up about it because well, you know how stubborn Tom can be." He smiled.

Their words made me feel so much better, because I knew I wasn't being crazy.

"I don't even know if he'll listen to me when he comes back..." I sighed.

Wrathmelior spoke again,

"My wife says if he doesn't, then she'll make him" Dave said. We all laughed a little.

It wasn't long after till Tom arrived. He walked into the kitchen...with Lilith, though it didn't surprise me. He literally didn't notice me sitting at the table with his Mom and Dad for like five minutes.

"Tom?" Dave said.

"Yeah dad?- Wait (Y/n)?!" He likes really confused. "When did you come in here?" He asked.

"I've been here the entire time you just didn't see me." I said with a blank expression. "that seems to happen a lot lately..." I whispered. "Tom I came because you've been ignoring me...could we please just talk?" I glanced at Lilith catching her roll her eyes. "Alone?...please".

"Why? Lilith can stay-" Tom said before being interrupted by his mom yelling at him. "Ok ok jeez mom. Lilith can you just wait here while I talk to her?"

"Yeah sure Tommy." She smiled at him. Lilith calling him Tommy literally poked knives at my heart.

He walked out the door quickly and I followed after him, I shut the door and we were standing in the hallway. I was staring up at him.

"What do you want?" He said coldly.

"I want to work this out!" I replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said obviously just being immature.

"Tom you're being childish. I came all the way to the underworld by myself-"

"You came by yourself, why would you do that (Y/n)!" He said as if he even still cared.

"Let me speak. I came all the way here and you're standing here acting like a asshole. I told you the truth about Lilith, something no one else would because let's face it people are scared of you. I wasn't trying to rip your friendship apart, I was just being honest. She made me feel like shit, and frankly at this stage...so are you. I don't understand why you were so quick to dismiss what I said about her." I said calmly with my voice cracking a few times.

"(Y/n) I don't know where you're getting this from. I have never seen Lilith be anything but kind and fun to be around. She's more fun to be around than you right now..." He mumbled the last part.

"If you like her so much why don't you ask her to be you're girlfriend!?!" I said raising my voice slightly.

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