•~Chapter 15~•

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(A/n) Since this is going to be the last one it's going to be a little longer than normal, so yeah enjoy.

Tom turned to me the second Lilith was gone. He put his hands on my shoulders, then pulled me into a warm embrace. I was resting my head on his chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around me. I just let myself practically merge with him. It felt so nice to be back in his arms.

"(Y/n), Cupcake, I am so sorry. I honestly had no idea. I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for everything." He said sincerely.

I pulled away a little so that I was looking up at him. "Oh Tommy, I could never stay mad at you...I'm just happy to be here with you again." I smiled and he returned the smile.

We heard a loud "Awee" from behind us. It was Wrathmelior. She had walked in and was standing there almost crying looking at the two of us.

"Mom? What's wrong?" He asked.

She replied saying something I didn't understand.

"I know Mom, i'm so lucky to have her" Tom smiled down at me.

We spent the next week or so together all the time. I couldn't get enough of being around him. We were at Tom's place, I found myself increasingly spending more time there. I was lying in Tom's bed next to him just talking. We hadn't woken up too long ago. He was running his fingers through my hair and asked,

"(Y/n), maybe you're getting bored of these but would you please go on a date with me?" he asked moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Are you kidding me? You're like the best boyfriend ever for bringing me on these dates. Most guys barely even talk to their girlfriends." I replied.

"So is that a yes?" He asked again eager for an answer.

"No." I said blatantly, obviously joking with him.

"What?!" He looked so confused.

I had never denied one of his dates before, even if I was only joking. My lips curled into and smile and I could help but start to giggle at his confusion.

"Why are you laugh- Oh you're just messing with me! You are so going to pay for that." He said sitting up looking quite mischievous.

All of a sudden he started tickling me all over. I was laughing so much that I could barely breath. "Tom- stop. You're- agh" I said through laughs. As I continued to try and push him off off me I snorted whilst laughing, which only made the two of us laugh even more. He finally stopped, it was such a relief. I could actually breath again.

We both laid there catching our breath. It wasn't long after that we got out of bed and got changed. I wore a black flowy dress that came to my knees with a pair of flats. Tom had a black tux on, he looked so handsome in it.

"Wait you're wearing a tux, am I underdressed for this?!" I said looking down at my outfit.

"No you look beautiful" He stared at me smiling. "But I think it's missing just a little something, here I have an idea".

He pulled out box from his pocket.

"A proposal?" I joked.

"Ha ha very funny, (Y/n)." We both laughed a little.

He opened the box and inside was a beautiful necklace. It has a thin silver chain and a small dainty love heart charm with an aquamarine crystal.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

I took it in my hands, "I love it" I hugged him. "Would you mind helping me put it on?" I handed it back to him.

He gently placed it around the front of my neck so I lifted my hair out of the way. He pulled it around the back of my neck and clasped the two ends together. I turned to look in the full length mirror at the two of us. I could help but let a huge smile sprawl across my face.

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