Chapter 5: Popcorn and Polka Dots: Minnie Sheldon's Story

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Idiots! I am sitting around idiots. I am in a car with a bunch of idiots, and if we were to crash I would die surrounded by idiots. Then again, that is the story of my life. Most people's thought process is that if you were to die that very second would you be proud of where they found you. I wish I could live my life that way but I am stuck on the west side of the tracks meaning I don't have a waking moment when I am not surrounded by idiots.

"Mary Sheldon! Stop daydreaming next to the window you are fogging up my Mustang's glass," my brother, also known as idiot number one, called from the front seat.

"You mean Mommy and Daddy's mustang they gave you because you are a spoiled brat, also don't call me Mary you know I hate my name," I argued back to him. Me and my brother, Bob, have always fought like this our whole lives no sense in changing our disdain towards one another now. Bob just scoffed in response.

" Hey baby," Cherry Valance called as she got in the passenger seat when we stopped by her house. Cherry was dating Bob and while she seemed all precious and perfect to everyone else she hated me. The main reason she hated me was because I had the one thing she didn't, honesty. I hated our side of the tracks with a passion and I was willing to say it to anyone that was willing to get an earful (and sometimes to people who were unwilling). Cherry on the other hand used her fake "love" for greasers to flirt with them when she was bored. She saw greasers as scum just like every other soc that wouldn't know a good thing if it hit them in between the eyes. Cherry lived in a lie and I didn't so she hated me fair and square.

"Hey there doll," my brother replied with a smile while Cherry death glared at me and her henchgirl Marcia sat next to me. Yet another soc girl who hates my guts. Marcia hates me because Bob wants me to date his pal Randy, an ape faced moron if you ask me, and Marcia wants to date Randy. Therefore I am competition to her end of story.

"What movie is on tonight Bob?" Marcia called from beside me.

"Like I would care," Bob replied without even looking at her, making her sigh and sit back.

After a while we drove around and met Randy and a couple other soc guys in a parking lot. Randy hoped in the passenger seat and Cherry sat in the back with Marcia and I. The other soc guys walked off to who knows where after they had a laugh with Randy and Bob about something that happened with Randy's sister and some greasers. Randy's sister was named Charity who is 19 years old and about the closest thing I have to a friend. I just don't get to see her much because Randy pretty much keeps her locked up 24/7. Therefore their conversation worried me because Charity had the same feelings about greasers as me. We both thought the rivalry was stupid and our brothers hated us for it so if they were laughing something must have happened.

"Hahahahaha,"Bob and Randy's drunk laughter awoke me from my worries. I looked up from the window after we had driven for about 45 minutes to nowhere in particular to realize we were parked in the drive-in movie theater. Bob and Randy were drunk as skunks and Cherry looked mad about it.

"Can you two not get drunk for two seconds?!" Cherry screamed and they both looked back at her.

"What is the problem sweetheart?" Bob looked back grinning.

"You are the problem," Cherry shot back.

"Fine if you all have a problem just leave," Randy pipped up.

"No I don't want to leave," Marcia flirted at Randy.

"Well I most certainly do," I said stepping out of the car.

"If she is staying then I am not. Bob drive me home this instance or I am walking," Cherry commanded and I walked away rolling my eyes before I could hear whether or not my brother gave into his "gal".

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