Chapter 2

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3rd pov

After their father's announcement the triplets and their sister were brought down to the guests so they could be shown off to them, normal for anyone though Aero doesn't know why people feel the need to show their children off. Their parents kept asking Aero to do magick to impress Lord and Lady something or other. Aero had told them somethings about his magick, more as a way to threatened them than impress but if it worked both ways what's the harm? Eventually the Gala was over and they were sat on the their sofa.

They pick up on Aero's weariness, they sending each other a look. "Aero, I know we've had a few conversations but, we must know what's going on." His mother said. She's gorgeous, undeniably so but there's a cracked look in her green eyes and her skin looks just a bit paler. Her raven hair looks nice now but he saw how greasy it looked yesterday.

His father looked at him oddly, a sigh bubbling up. His blond hair is getting grays and his blue eyes have tired lines. "So its finally happening." They look surpised at his words. "I'm not going to tell you everything. I don't want you to know some things, but I want an unbreakable oath." They stare at him with wide eyes. "What's so important we need an unbreakable oath?" His mother, Carina, his brain supplies. "I have secrets no one can know or the world will be doomed." He supplied, maybe he was fibbing a bit but they didn't know. It took a few minutes but eventually they agreed and the oath was made.

"I can't tell you everything but I can fill in a few questions. What's on your mind?-

time skip♡<♡

After their talk 4 days ago they sent them all back to the house while they took care of some things. The elves would take care of them for awhile. Dibbi, one of the personal elfs for the triplets, was sitting in the library with them all. Aero with Simari, sat in a chair across from Dibbi and Tucana. There's a table between them Atrix might be hiding under but you can't prove anything. Tucana sat with her stuff frog to her left and Dibbi to her right. Aero had his stuffed snake, a present from a cousin, that Simari was drooling on, no matter how much affection he'd built for her it made him want to cringe. Although he was older then his body he still liked the snake.

Dibbi was telling them another story, she was told too by their parents to try and read them at least 2 stories a day, but Aero could tell she liked them and she liked to tell them these silly little tales. He'd requested for her to not tell the 3 brothers story, he wanted to show them the full and true version himself when they got older

Big time skip T-T

She was dead. Killed instantly and his father was broken. He was left to deal with this and raised his four children alone. Carina Yaxley was no more and he couldn't do anything about it unless he wanted to fuck a lot of things up. Aero could feel for his current father, no matter how many lives he'd live he could never get rid of the hurt in his chest when he knew someone he cared about died. No his sisters would grew without a mother and he could do nothing.

She was simply a casualty in a war. It was horrible for everyone. She had grown on him, a real mother even if slowly losing it. Tucana's only 3 and his other parts are 4, no real woman role model for them anymore. Just because she was in the area. No real reason other then the fact she was there. This was the first time anyone from this time line has seen him like this, just hurting. They held a funeral and she was buried. His sisters didn't understand why their mother would never come home. Everytime their father would try to explain he would start to cry and Aero wasn't much comfort in this body. Aero knew it wasn't helping the triplets looked so much like their mother. He sighed slightly out his nose, another night of his father grieving in the more family type kitchen. He'd never gotten so many siblings, much less ones he was so close with. He'd have to start keeping a much better eye on them.

Author: so I'm done revamping chapter 2, if you noticed any mistakes plz tell me and I'll fix it, love you my babes ♡

805 words

Sorry it's a bit short, I couldn't add to much without doing the rest to figure this out this weirdness

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