Chapter 9

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3rd pov

After the sorting feast Dumbledore handed a Gryffindor 4th year three notes for our trio before walking to his office. She walked up to Aero and handed them to him before walking away. Aero opened the note addressed to him and read it. Simari came over and saw Aero scowling at the piece of parchment. "What is it?" She asked him softly. "Dumbledore is making his first move. He's trying to make a pawn out of a king. Let's go see him, I'll explain the bracelets on the way." He said quickly as she went and grabbed Atrix.

She explained the situation to him and they walk up to Aero. They each had their new green and sliver ties with their black robes and satchels. Atrix had said they should each get one for holding textbooks and parchment. They had pens and notebooks with them too, but Aero said they made you write feet of it and you can't just use a notebook for these teachers. So they followed Aero up to the deputy headmasters office.

"So what do these do?" Simari asked walking up the stairs. "They protect your mind so he can't read it." He explained quietly and quickly while walking up to Dumbledore's office. He knocked and after hearing the affirmative, he and the others walked in. "Please, take a seat."

He told them gently in a fake grandfather like voice. At the moment he was only 70 so not as old as before because Dippet was still headmaster, but old enough for the look. They sat down and waited for him to say something. He sat quietly waiting for one of them to crack for a few minutes before sighing and looking them in the eye. "Are you siblings or close relatives?" He questioned them. "Siblings, kinda." Simari answer from Aero's right. "Then why do you have more names then your siblings my boy?"

He asked Aero, he was trying to piece this puzzle together. The siblings did not really care, they didn't want so many secrets in the first place. "Because I'm first born of 4 children, professor." He answer in a calm voice. 'So he has the most power.' Albus thought to himself. "Do you children have any idea the power your names hold?" He asked them cautiously.

"Yes we do." Atrix said from Aero's left. "And we plan to do nothing with it." Simari commented. "Why would you do such a thing? Your names are so valuable that people would kill to have them yet you do nothing with it?" Dumbledore questioned. 'Why would they waste such a thing? They could change the world and all they want to do is sit there and mess about?'

Dumbledore was puzzled with them. "Yes, we don't want to be part of any side or group just because of who we are heirs to." Simari explained. "If this has nothing to do with school then we are done here." Aero said calmly standing up, his siblings following suit.

Dumbledore grew upset and as a last minute result he tried to enter their minds. Only to be rejected immediately after. He sat back in his chair as they left his office to head in the direction of the common room. He sat there for awhile before going to see his lions.

When they arrived to the Slytherin common room Orion and Alphard came up to them immediately. Alphard asked Atrix if he wanted to room with him while Simari and Orion went to their room to unpack. Aero sat down on a black leather chair by the fire with a potions book.
Many people looked at him as they passed by. He oozed confidence and power. After awhile this girl came up to him, she cleared her throat loudly as she stood in front of him.

Aero looked up at her from his seat. She seemed to be a first year like him from her undeveloped body with red hair, blue eyes, and a soft jaw line, being 5'3 too. Rather tall for a first year but he was too so no judgment. "Do you need something?" He ask softly with a charming smile. She flushed but nodded slowly. "I was w-wondering if you wanted to dorm with me?" She stumbled. "Hm, I don't have a roommate yet. Sure." He replied, he stood up and closed his book. "Which room?" He asked curiously. She seemed to snap out of some kind of trance as she shook her head and motioned him to follow. He walked behide her down the dorm halls until they reached a door. He saw the plank change to to 'Yaxley & Moore' as they walked in.

The room itself was beautiful, with two full sized beds, two dressers, a door leading to a loo, their trunks appearing at the end of one of the beds each, and a bedside table. Four book cases full of different things they taught at hogwarts.

(I want to explain the layout more so here we go)

Bs=bedside table
Ld= loo door
Bc= book case
D= dressers
T= trunks
Rd= the first door you open to the room

                  Bs.  B.   B  Bs.               
    D.                  T.   T.                     D


         Bc. Bc.       Rd.        Bc. Bc.

White sheets, sliver pillows, green blankets, and a black duvet at the end of each bed, Aero walked into the bathroom next. It was simple with two showers, two sinks and a toilet. It had two drawers under each sink and a small cupboard full of towels and toilet paper. He walked back out in time to see his new roommate flop onto her bed, the left one. He chuckled as he walked over to her. "Stella Moore, correct?" He asked, sitting on his own bed as he watched her. She looked up and grinned at him. "Yep! You're the kid with the really long name?" He laughed quietly but nodded. They talked for a bit before a knock came to the door. Aero got up and walked over to it. He opened it slightly to see his siblings with their roommates too. He opened the door all the way and walked over to his bed.

Stella was introduced to them, her and Simari got along well so she was accepted into their group easily. After an hour they left so Stella and Aero went to the common room. She explained that she wasn't well liked because she was muggleborn and was kind of joking when she asked him to room with her. He had reassured her that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her in anyway, shape, or form.

She smiled at him and they walked over to an unoccupied sofa. He was helping her with charms so she wasn't clueless in the classroom when Angelica walked over. You remember her right? Bitch from the train to jog your memory. I love the forth wall breaks.

1158 words 😗

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