Chapter 4

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I said I'd be doing this for three chapters so next one is the last until I say otherwise

Aero, Atrix, and Simari are leaning toward 11 but still ten
5'2 1/2 - Aero
4'10 - Atrix and Simari
Tucana is 9 still

I refused the use of British food in the house of Yaxley, an dyou can't do nothing since it the writing (plz don't show up outside my house)

3rd pov

Aero groaned as two bodies flopped onto him. "Aero! Aero! Wake up! Mindy made waffles!" Atrix yelled, jumping on her knees in hopes of waking him up. "Come on Aero!" Simari whined and pulled at his arm. "Trix, Sim! Stop I'm up, Merlin's balls, you're so loud!" He shouted wrapping his arms around to pull them up. He pushed them up, his magick working to float them around his room. "Aero that's cheating!" Simari pouted and he raised an eyebrow at her. "This is what you get for jumping me, I swear you two are mad." He mumbled, he half pulled himself out of bed, finding it difficult to leave the warmth.

Eventually they made their way downstairs to eat. "Father, I'll be heading out today, I need to get somethings done." Corban nods at his eldest. "Of course Aero, just let me know when you'll be home." Aero had gotten closer to the man as the years passed and he could genuinely smile at him now. "I'd say around 8, I'll update any changes." Atrix pouts beside him. "Aero can I go with you?" She gives her best puppy eyes and Aero raises an eyebrow at her. "Nope, besides I'm going to the bank, just boring things today bub."

At Gringotts

Aero arrived in front of Gringotts and nodded to the goblins in front. His hair turned blond and he grew taller, shifting into a glamor. "Greetings master teller, I wish to speak with someone to open a vault and to speak with more details in a private room." He spoke soft and calm, but adding a deep voice to be ominous still never hurt.

The goblin which had looked up from his work and was stuck with a face of shock, hopped down off his seat and ran around to bring him to his office. Once they sat down and the goblin organized some paper he looked back up at Aero. "So you wish to open a vault and speak about something else after?" "Yes, Jawblade and thank you for a meeting." That being said he morphed back to the current Harry.

Jawblade smiled ugly at him, sharp teeth poking out everything way. "Pleasure to do business with you again Sir." The goblin replied. "Now here is a contract for a new vault so just sign here and here, than the shop you inquired about last time is still for sale if you want it and it should only cost 500 to buy and repair it though Gringotts." Jawblade finished with a smirk settling on his lips.

Aero signed and named the vault 'Death tomes' so all his books and artifacts, he'd been meaning for them to have a place. "I want construction started and for it to be finished as quickly as possible." Aero spoke softly and in a quiet tone as he was deep in thought. The building he wanted to buy was a dusty shop that an old man couldn't take care of anymore.

It was three stories with the shop on the first one and a flat on top for living. He planned to move him and Tom in there to get Tom out of that hellhole people call an orphanage. After he befriended the basterd, it was always much easier that way. Kill two birds with one stone, no dark lord and a friend. Goblin and god stood and shook hands to seal the deal. "May your vaults overflow with gold Master Jawblade"-"and your enemies head fall at your feet Master Aero". After one more goodbye Aero left his office. He headed down a few hallways then came to another office. On the door it said 'Homes and Help', he knocked and walked inside upon hearing a 'come in'. It was a big office with a stone floor and wall with oak for the furniture and many file cabinets all around them.

Behide a desk with lots of papers on sat a middle aged goblins with a bald head and a huge frown. He was wearing a nice suit that was black and blue. His glasses sat on the bridge of his nose and were kinda big by goblin standard. He looked up and a smile came on his face, it was one filled with relief not having to deal with another stupid wizard. "Aero! I haven't see you in some time, what do you need?" He asked. Most goblins were not dicks if you were nice to them. "Sorry Silverhook, just business today I'm afraid." He answered sadly. He really liked Silverhook, he's kinda like a funky an uncle in a way. "I need to look into having the La'Fay, Slytherin, and Peverell homes looked after and repaired if there's any damage." He told him. Silverhook nodded and handed him some papers to sign and some records to look over. Aero took them with a sigh as he knew this would take awhile.

Time skip

Aero walked out of the office 2 hours later. He headed down to the treaties office and no one saw him again for 3 hours. Only the screams of the people inside. People tend to avoid that part of Gringotts now. Aero says it wasn't him and all other goblins say it wasn't them either but they know they're lying. That last stop of the day was the goblin king but Aero had a headache already and didn't want it to get worse so he just left for the time being.

He headed down to the shop he had purchased and headed in after unlocking the door and mentally noted to put more charms and wards up so you couldn't get in with a simple Alohomora. He looked around, it was a dusty shop and had peeling wallpaper. "Dibbi! Binny!" He called to the open air. Both elfs appeared, they looked very happy being called by their master Aero.

They dressed in little robes that fit them loosely so as to move quickly. They had the Yaxley family seal on the chest and Dibbi had the Deathly hallows on her back. "Binny, can you clean this place and take off the wallpaper for me? I wish to keep samples." He spoke softy. He liked the house elves and didn't want to seem rude. Binny looked like his eyes were glass and started shaking his head up and down.

"Binny be getting started for master Aero sir." Binny bowed down and started cleaning the shop. "What can Dibbi be doing for master Aero?" Dibbi spoke happily. Aero didn't call her out of the house really unless he needed her to take something back to the house and he didn't have anything in his hands to give her. "I need to do some shopping and I'm hopeless at it." He looked at her with pleading eyes asking for her to help.

She giggled before speaking "Then Dibbi be helping Master Aero in his shopping." She clapped her hands together and popped away before coming back. She grabbed him and started to walk out the door with him. They started going up and down Diagon Ally. They headed to Flourish and Blotts for some books so Aero could catch with spells from this time. Aero spent some time looking at brooms and decided he just wanted to get a snitch.

He was throwing it up then catching it and while mid throw someone tried to grab it. In a split second Aero grabbed the man and threw him to the ground. Aero looked back at the man and saw him staring at him in confusion. "What?" He spoke coldly like the man was scum, which he kind of was, I mean he was trying to steal from him. Instead of answering the man scrambled away from him. Aero then headed into Knockturn Ally with Dibb. 'That was odd.' Aero thought afterwards, but pushed it away.

Dibbi and Aero were chatting away to each other when something caught their attention.

Nothing after this chapter will make any sense since I haven't gone through to fix the rest of it also I might add more to this chapter

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