Chapter 3

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I'm going to do a information card for the next 2 chapters, including this one.
Aero, Simari, and Atrix are 10
5'1- Aero
4'9- Simari & Atrix
Tucana's 9
4 ft


Aero's pov

Today was the day, we were going to go to our first Gala since mother died. It was the Black's Gala for one of their daughter's birthday. She's a second cousin to all of us. Walburga Black, you may know her as Sirius's mother that was a screaming banshee in my first life.

She wasn't as annoying as a real person who had an actual personality, but she was still loud enough to give you a headache if you listened to her screeching for awhile. It was a big deal that we were back in the open and not behind any walls so people couldn't take us from our father. He had become protective of us and supported my plan to put tracking spells to tie all of us together. We sat at one of those long tables to the dining hall for supper, I was mostly zoned out during this. It was boring everytime and I'm sure it will not start changing anytime soon. I've started planning my next for months, good to one step ahead of course. I need to-

-go to Gringotts

-pay them to repair any properties to my name

-meet the house elfs and animals on the properties to kick start becoming a Lord

-make treaties with Goblins and some 'important' people in the Ministry of Magic

-I'll need to get school supplies

-perhaps get my wand and take the trace off

-get Grindelwald delt with and hopefully before school

Maybe it was time to show them my legacy?

Slight time skip

We all sat in the family room in the Yaxley house, which actually looked like a family room now. It had a big brick fireplace with the fire glowing orange and red, casting shadows over the room. Across from it was a gray couch which had a brown coffee table in front of it with two chairs matching the couch on either side of it, something Simari had picked out with their father.

Dark green carpet and sliver curtains covered the big window which was placed to the left of the couch, reminding everyone of the Yaxley's placement. To the right lead you to the kitchen and behind was an archway that welcomed from the front hall when you came in the door. Right now the couch had been moved to face the wall that had the kitchen door on it. There was a light about the size of corkboard placed on the wall from seemingly nowhere.

Corban Yaxley's pov from 2 months ago

I didn't question anything with him anymore as long as he and his sisters were safe and unharmed was good enough for me. Of course he had to tell me when he left but that was it really. Sometimes he would bring Tucana to different places he went and she always loved it.

She would tell me what they did that day and if you haven't had your 9 year old daughter tell you she went to see the unicorns and dragons, then you are not seeing life like I've been anymore. I've told Aero about this but all he does is smile and wink then walk away to finish what book he found worthy of his time that day. So when Aero told me he and his sisters were going somewhere that day at breakfast I wasn't surprised. I only reminded Aero to tell me when he got back or if they stayed somewhere for the night.

Aero agreed and told me there was a chance he would just send them back around 8 pm and he would be staying somewhere for the night if it was as bad as he thought. I didn't ask him and just replied "Alright then but don't get hurt and if anything goes wrong call me on the mirror, okay?" He smiled at me before he answered "Okay Father." and turned back to his food in front of him. He had charmed us mirrors to contact each other in case of emergency on top if the tracking spell he'd managed. They were unbreakable and even worked under water he'd told me.

Back to the present moment

I sat on the couch with all my girls as we waited for Aero to finish what he was doing. He stepped up and did a dramatic bow to us. "Ladies and gentlemen! Today we have a beautiful story for us about how any of what I do is possible!" He did another bow that the end as he looked at me with excitement in his heterochromia eyes. The scene started on the wall with Aero doing some magic to make shadows on the wall appear alive.

3rd pov

Aero formed three men. Two of the men's heads' were down showing shame but the third man's head was held high with pride. A dark figure, dark as death, hanging over the men's heads. "Long ago, three men came across a river, but fear not because they were wizards and simply waved their wands to make a bridge. Death had felt cheated because he had gotten many souls from this river, but Death was cunning and instead congratulated them for crossing unharmed." The shadows on the walls moved as he spoke of what they had done.

It had showed the the three men making their way across the bridge and being interrupted by Death. "In turn he gave them gifts of their choice. The eldest who wanted to embarrased Death said he fancied himself a wand able to defeat any other. It was fashioned out of a nearby elder tree branch." He a wand appeared in his hand as he rolled his wrist and pushed it into the wall. It appeared in the eldest brother's hand.

"The second brother wanted to make an even bigger mockery of Death so asked for the power to recall the dead as he had intended to marry a girl before her untimely demise. So Death grabbed a stone out of the water and gave it to the second brother, it had the power to call the dead when turned three times." The same happened to the stone as the wand, pushed right into the wall.

" 'I want to leave this meeting without you being able to follow me' the youngest brother spoke confidently to the entity. Reluctantly Death handed over his own cloak to the young man. They parted ways soon after." Aero spoke softly as though remembering something.

He snapped out of it and returned his attention. "The oldest brother had gotten into a fight with a nearby wizard in a small town. He went back and challenged the man to a dual. He won of course with his new wand and that night he told over half the town about how he'd gotten it, while being drunk of course. That night while the brother slept drunk in his room, he was attacked and killed giving Death the first brother's life." The shadows showed Death and a grave cross under the entity.

"The second brother went home and called for the girl he intended to marry but she grew sad and depressed over the course of months because she didn't really belong there anymore. So the second brother took his own life as to truly be with her. As so Death claimed the second brother's soul." He now showed Death with two crosses over it's head and it looking over a globe.

"Death searched and searched for the last brother but could never find him, for he was hidden under the being's gift." He paused for a moment to let it sink into them. "It was only many years later after the man had turned nearly 200 that he willingly shed the cloak in order to give it to his son. And so Death and the last brother parted the world as equals together." He finished the story and the shadows went back to the Death looming over the three like in the beginning. "Woahhh!!" yelled Tucana.

She threw her arms over her head and flopped her body all the way back from the way she was sitting forward dramatically. "Yeah, wow!" Corban said doing the same as his daughter. Simari giggled while Atrix followed suit to her father. Aero looked on in amusement at his family, locking eyes with Simari who pulled him down to join their pile. At least now he knew where all of his Hallows were. The shadows stayed on the wall in the same place Aero left them. Even with the lights on they stayed like a painting, a piece of art no know could help to replace. It was Death over the three brothers with their gifts under them. The last brothers head was still held high.

I'm done with chapter 3! I didn't have to change much since this was mostly mapping out chapters and the story of Death anyway I hope you guys like it

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