Chapter 1

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A/N: It's May 3rd and you know what that means ! The first chapter of Footprints in the Sand is finally here ! I've been putting so much work into this fanfiction ever since I announced it and so far, everything looks promising !

But just a quick disclaimer, if your haven't or didn't read the IMPORTANT PLEASE READ section before this, I highly recommend you do before you start reading in case this story contains anything you are not comfortable with reading. That section also goes into more detail of the layout of this story.

But enough of my rambling. I've kept you guys waiting long enough.

I hope you enjoy !

(With my writing, thoughts and sound effects are italicized)

Sunday, May 3rd, 4:00 P.M. Yu-Topia

"And he's been like that for the last 3 days ?" Phitchit inquired, causing the black haired Japanese male on his phone screen to sigh.

"Yeah....I just wish I could do something to help him. But I can't if he doesn't tell me what's wrong."

"Have you tried...discussing things with him? Sitting him down to talk?"

"Yes. A few times actually. But each time the answer is the same. He's "fine" or "just tired" or "has alot on his mind". I'm not buying it."

"Well maybe he just needs some time. I remember on countless occasions the times you went through fighting your own demons back when we trained together in Detroit. Sometimes we wouldn't have a real conversation for days. Then you would wake up one morning and suddenly you were back to normal."

The Japanese male sighed again, fixing the blue frames that sat on the bridge of his nose. "I guess...but that happening to me, weird and sad as it is, fits my personality. It's how I've always been. But Victor ? He's NEVER been like this before. And it's...really starting to worry me. I wonder if this is how he feels when I get into one of my moods..." He trailed off.

Phichit bit his lip, "I wish I could help you out more."

This caused the Asian male to smile softly

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll figure something out." He paused, "You know, it always amazes me on how many more things I'm able to notice about him now that we're bonded and married. Never in million years would I thought I'd understand Victor the way I do the exception for what's been going on currently."

"Well duh." Phitchit, deadpanned. "You two are practically soul mates. Your whole relationship might as well be written as a romantic love story. I can see it now 'The story of Russian alpha Victor Nikiforov and omega Yuuri Katsuki tells a beautiful tale about love on the ice'. Can you IMAGINE how good that would sell?"

Yuuri blinked, "...I'm not sure if I want to."

The Thai male shrugged in playful defeat, "Oh well. It was worth a shot. Pretty creative idea though right ?"

Yuuri laughed. If there was one think Phitchit never lacked in, it was entertainment.

They talked for a little while longer until Yuuri noticed the time.

"Sorry, Phitchit. I would love to talk more, but I have to go. Victor will be back from the rink any minute and I should probably greet him."

"Haha...gotcha. If you want to talk about anything later or if you have any updates with him, let me know, okay ?"

"For sure."

"See you later, Yuuri."

"Bye, Phichit."

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