Chapter 4

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A/N: Hi everyone ! I'm back again and with chapter 4 in my possession.

So a few quick things.

I know I said that my chapters were gonna be around 2,000 to 2,500 words long...but I lied. This chapter broke 3,000 😅. Things happen when I write. What can I say ?

Now because of this, next chapter is going to be a continued section of the date May 6th plus all of May 7th since it was getting too long and it also added length for tomorrow's chapter which is good.

This is also a backstory chapter for Victor. We FINALLY get a huge load of information as to why he's been acting so strange. Need I remind that this is all completely made up. We do not have a backstory for Victor yet so this is something I came up with all on my own. But with the backstory comes a few things.

This is where ALOT of my warnings come into play such as death, sad themes, angst, loss, and also...mentions of cancer and car accidents. So if any of these are sensitive topics PLEASE do NOT read.

But if you are okay with these topics, then I hope you enjoy the chapter !

Wednesday, May 6th, Yu-Topia, 1:30 PM

"Are you sure you don't need anymore help, Mom ?" Yuuri asked as he brought in a basket of clean towels. Hiroko smiled from the kitchen's entry way. 

"I'm sure dear. I won't need more help until later this evening once we start getting customers. Oh, and when Victor and your father come back from grocery shopping. I gave them quite the list so I'm sure they'll need help bringing bags in and unpacking. You've done plenty for now. Go and take a little break." 

Yuuri nodded, pointing a finger at the older women "Okay. But don't overwork yourself or you'll get an earfull from me later." He teased.

Hiroko chuckled, "I won't dear. Sometimes I feel you're the mother here you know that ? But I suppose that's not a bad thing. I taught you well." 

Yuuri grinned, waving a see you later to his mom before making his way to his and Victor's bedroom. 

He entered the room and closed the shutter doors behind him, walking over to his bed. 

But he stopped midway, his glasses' case catching his attention as it sat closed on his desk. 

With Victor gone at the store with Toshiya, now would be the perfect time.

Yuuri grabbed the case and sat on his bed in a criss cross apple sauce fashion. He opened up the case, a tiny folded piece of paper now in his line of sight.

It was the piece of receipt paper with Yakov's number on it that Yurio gave him the day before. 

He had been itching to call him in order to find out about Victor's past, his family......and what happened to his mother. 

It made sense that the older man would know. He had been Victor's coach for a very long time and was the main adult Yuuri would always see with him. Whether in the paper, the news, or on the internet, Yakov was always by his side. Almost like how a parent would always be with a child. 

Victor no doubt had a difficult relationship with his family later in life, but then again, maybe he always had. Ever since Yuuri became a fan of Victor, he never saw people with him during competitions on TV that even remotely resembled him in the slightest. No silver hair, pale skin, blue eyes, or heart shaped smile. 

None of that. 

It's as if Yakov had been his family ever since he was 17 when Yurio claimed that Victor's mom had passed away. 

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