Chapter 5

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A/N: Hii everyone ! I'm back with Chapter 5

So like I said at the end of chapter 4, this chapter is continuing Victor's back story on May 6th and also completing May 7th where Yuuri finds out some news.

I have something to remind you guys of at the end, but for now, hope you enjoy !!!

Wednesday, May 6th, Yu-Topia, 1:50 PM

Everything made sense. Absolutely everything. But it was so unbelievably horrible that Yuuri didn't want to believe any of it.

Victor had lost his mom on Mother's Day and he wasn't there to say goodbye to her. He had gone out to by flowers, unaware of the events that would take place while he was gone as Yakov stayed by her side.

Yuuri had thought Victor was just sad...but it was SO much more than that.

Pain, regret, anger, remorse.....and guilt.

So much guilt.

But a throat clear from his phone caused Yuuri to retreat back from his thoughts. He almost forgot that he was still on call with Yakov.

"So...uh...what happened after that ?" He asked. Though the question sounded dumb, he wanted to know.

Yakov gave a short humph, as if he was think about his next words, " Well...ever since day...Victor has never been quite the same. Especially around this time of year. The weeks following her death were some of that hardest times for him."

"Naturally, I took Victor in. He had no other family around to stay with and I knew Elena wouldn't have wanted anything less. I was technically his father figure as he grew up so I didn't see a problem with it. But it was difficult...seeing him so upset. Especially with how much more familiar I was in seeing him happy than sad."

" I would hear him cry in his bedroom at night and wake up with bloodshot eyes that had the darkest bags underneath. He didn't eat much. He wouldn't talk much either. I had thought about getting him counseling but he kept denying any help I offered and said he would be fine on his own."

"One night, I came home from a meeting a little later than usual. I was expecting Victor to be asleep...but I came home to find him in my living room. And it was the worst I'd ever seen him."

Yuuri broke into a sweat after hearing that last sentence, "W-what was he doing ?"

Yakov sighed, "He was sitting in front of the TV, watching the recorded clip of his first interview that I told you about. And he was crying...with a pair of scissors in his handd...cutting off his hair piece by piece. It was then I noticed that it was only a certain part of the interview he was listening too. The part where he said he wanted to be like his mother was put on in a repeating cycle, and each time he heard it, he would cut a piece of hair."

Yuuri put a shaking hand to his mouth.

"It's was almost like those words were a sin. I noticed before that he would sometimes grimace when he looked in a mirror or he would purposely wear his hair in a bun or tuck it into the shirts he wore. He had grown out his hair for Elena while she was still alive and wanted to be like her in everyway possible. But now that she was gone, it was almost like... " Yakov trailed off but Yuuri understood and finished Yakov's sentence.

" hurt Victor to look in a mirror and see so much of himself."

Yuuri had remembered the first time he had seen Victor with shorter hair. He had thought it was just for a new look....but oh how wrong he was.

Yakov hummed in confirmation," I watched him sob and cut off piece after piece. But eventually, I was able to walk towards him and bend down to his level. I turned off the TV and took the scissors away. He looked at me with the same eyes Elena had the day Alexandr died, and simply collapsed in tears into my chest. I'm usually not an affectionate person, but...I knew he needed it."

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