Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm back with chapter 3 everyone !

So I've gotten a few reads on this story so far and I'm really happy ! But it's only going to get better !

So in this chapter, Yuuri meets to talk with the person he asked for help from on the phone the night before and we learn a liiiitle more about Victor's odds behavior.

Just a small warning that there is a tiny bit of cussing in this chapter because of a certain someone 😉

But other than that, I hope you all enjoy !!!

Tuesday, May 5th, Espresso Express, 9:40 AM. 

Yuuri sat at a booth inside the cafe, hands folded in front of him and knee bouncing under the table. His stomach felt slightly knotted but, thankfully, not in a sick way.

Which was...a huge relief.

When Yuuri had woken up that morning, he was expecting nausea to force him out of bed and into the bathroom immediately. 

But it didn't. 

He actually woke up normally for the first time in 4 days, Victor's body cuddled close to his backside, his right arm draped over his middle. 

This made getting up a slight challenge, but he was able to do so nonetheless without waking Victor up. 

He had grabbed a comfortable pair of clothes that consisted of a red t-shirt, faded black jeggings, and a thin, zip up black sweater in case there was a slight chill in the air. Then he retreated into the bathroom to get ready. 

He washed his face, brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, and dressed all within 15 minutes. 

His hand reached out to turn off the light as he excited the bathroom, still being mindful of Victor's sleeping figure. 

Just as he was about to exit the room, he paused, eyeballing the pen and notepad sitting on his desk. 

'I should probably leave him a note in case he wakes up and I'm not here'

And he did. Grabbing the pen, he scribbled a short note on one of the pieces of note paper. But the note itself was a small deviation from the truth from where he was really going. He hated hiding stuff from Victor and doing things behind his back, but he also knew Victor wouldn't tell him what was wrong unless he took a different course of action and found out things for himself. He was genuinely concerned about Victor, and that was his sole purpose that he came up as to why he was doing everything he was doing. 

His Alpha was clearly in distress and as his partner, husband, and mate, it was his job to ease that distress no matter what. 

Yuuri did a once over of the note, making sure that no suspicion would arise from it if Victor read it. 

Dear Vitya, 

If you're reading this and I'm not back yet, then I just wanted to let you know I felt better this morning and decided to go out and get some fresh air for a little while. Don't worry about me okay ? Text me when you wake up and get some more rest if you can. You've been working really hard my love, and you deserve a break. See you soon. 

Love, Yuuri. 

There. Perfect.

With a satisfied smile, he folded the paper and placed it on the pillow next to Victor and kissed his forehead before tiptoeing out of his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

His parents were awake, attending to a few customers when he entered the main room.

He told the same little fib to them as on the note he left for Victor. 

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