Chapter 2

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A/N: Hello everyone ! I'm back with chapter 2!

So we get to find out a little more about Victor's strange behavior in this chapter but nothing is heavily revealed (That's later 😉 ) But this chapter is when things start to get interesting !

Hope you enjoy !


Monday, May 4th, 5:15 PM, Yu-Topia

hic* "I'm tellin ya hava gooood bunch of kidsss. Most of my students won't even listeeenn ta meee." Minako slurred, taking another swig of her beer.

Victor chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink " Well...I think it's how you come off to them as a teacher. They won't respect you if you don't respect them."

Yuuri nodded in agreement, sitting down after setting the table with napkins and chopsticks, "Plus, the dancing season just started so you're teaching a whole new group of students. Give them some time, I'm sure they'll come around."

Minako scoffed and flung open her arms, hitting a half open beer bottle on the table. It wobbled, nearly falling onto the floor before Yuuri quickly extended his body to grab it. He sighed in relief.

"Eassy for u ta say !!! Isss like some of the brats aient ever seen an adult before !!! They have no respect fer mee !"

Yuuri sweatdropped, 'And I'm willing to bet that respect wouldn't get ANY better if they saw you in this state.'

Toshiya and Mari Katsuki, Yuuri's dad and older sister were sitting at the table as well, watching the scene unfold before them, both chuckling softly.

This was the typical pre-family dinner playout with the exception of Minako's drunk state. ( She had arrived earlier and was invited to stay for dinner and the night as well, too smashed to go home on her own.)

"Honestly Minako," Hiroko said, entering the room, carrying 6 empty bowls and a 2 large serving spoons, "it's not good for you to drink that much without hardly eating today." She set the bowls and spoons on the table before standing up to head back to the kitchen.

Minako waved her hand, "Ohhhh I'll be *hic fiiiiine. Don worry about me Hirokooo."

The older women shook her head from the kitchen entry way, a large metal pot in her possession, steaming from the small ventilation holes on top of the lid. She made her way back into the room and set the pot down before grasping the handle of the lid and removing it completely.

The pent up steam warmed the air with the rich, delicious, inviting scent of oden entering everyone's nostrils almost instantly.

( A/N: In case you don't know what oden is, it's sort of like a Japanese hot pot. Ingredients are cooked together such as daikon raddish, eggs, fish cakes, and meat to create a stew like dish. The pieces are big enough to be freely pulled out and eaten with chopsticks or sometimes toothpicks.)

"Look amazing as always dear," Toshiya said, kissing his wife's cheek, causing her to smile warmly.

Everyone put their hands together, a soft unison of "itadakimasu" leaving their lips before they all started to indulge in Hiroko's incredible cooking.

Just as Yuuri was about to put a piece of the soft, juicy pork in his mouth, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to his left, seeing his sister with a concerned expression on her face.

She spoke to him in a hushed voice, "Are you sure you should be eating something this rich Yuuri ? You seemed pretty sick this morning. I could hear your heaving your guts out this morning all the way from my room."

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