Jessie Fleming and Mal Pugh

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Settings: Mal has just started at UCLA and had been dropped off by her parents who left to the airport. Mal looked down at her wrist still having no clue who her soulmate was. The number of times you've met your soulmate is on your wrist. Mals number was 5.


Mallory has just arrived at UCLA her parents dropped her off at her dorm and let her unpack. She was walking in the hall way with her head down looking at her phone. She was just going to explore but when she saw her number change on her wrist she immediately looked up. She looked around but she couldn't find anybody that looked as shocked as her.

Mallory decided it would be good to just turn around at walk back to her dorm and try to sort this out. The thing is she was in a all female dorm and there where no males in the hall way. Mallory knew she was attracted to girls but she didn't know how she would figure out who her soulmate was in a dorm full of woman.

When she walked to her door she could hear noise coming from her room so she assumed her roommate has arrived. When she walked in she was met with none other than the one and only Jessie Fleming. She was in there dorm dancing around like a mad man unpacking. This made Mallory chuckle. She had always found the Canadian adorable.

"Hey Fleming. Nice dance moves." The young Canadian turned around with a gasp. When she met Mallorys eyes she kinda felt a wave of relief. The problem was Jessie had always been shy. She was nervous about meeting her roommate or her new roommate flipping out because Jessie plays for Canada.

"Hey sorry I didn't hear you come in." Jessie said face flushing with pink as she turned down her music. She toke a quick glance at her wrist. Her number went up twice. She didn't need to look for her soulmate how ever she already knew who it was. She looked back up when something hit the side of her head. When she looked to the side she saw Mallory looking at her smirking at Jessie in amusement.

"Was that really necessary Mallory. You could have hit my eye. Are you that worried that Canada is going to bet your team in two months that you have to take out a player." Jessie asked her competitive side showing. Mal looked at her in amusement.

"I'm not scared of anything Fleming. But I'm gonna go get my class schedule. Do you already have yours?" Mallory asked as she she got her ID out of her backpack.

"Ya I got mine when I got here." With that Mallory left.

While Mallory was walking down the hall she couldn't help but think about how beautiful Jessie was. Mallory had always thought Jessie was amazing. While these things where running through her thoughts she looked down. Her number went up she walked by the person again.

Mallory quickly got to the office to get her schedule and started the walk back to her dorm and see if it was somebody in the hall. Mallory wanted a tiny number on her wrist not like her moms and dads. When you finally start dating your soulmate the number stops growing. Mallory walked back into the room to see Jessie changing into what she assumed would be her pjs. Jessie turned around once again surprised by Mallory.

"What are you part ninja? Stop popping up." Jessie said slightly out of breath from the scare.

"Sorry Fleming. Your just so jumpy." Mallory said as she went to sit down on her bed. As Mallory sat on her bed looking at her phone she remembered something that her mom told her about soulmates. You have to be with in 5 feet of your soulmate for your number to go up. But that you also hade to be with in 5 feet for 30 seconds at a time.

Then it all clicked all at once. Every time her soulmate mark went up she was in her dorm with in 5 feet of Jessie. There was no way it wasn't Jessie but she didn't want to push her because she knew the Canadian was very shy.

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