Emily Sonnett and Alyssa Neaher

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Setting: Alyssa and Emily are roommates in camp. There was thick tension because they both had crushes on each other. What happens when the there stuck in the room alone after a power outage.


I just got into camp and am heading up to the room. This camp I would be rooming with Alyssa, this wouldn't have been a problem if I wasn't in love with her. I talked to Lindsey about it and she said that it would be fine but I don't think I can handle myself.

I got to the door inserted my key card and knocked, I didn't want to walk in on her changing. I causally walked in the room. Alyssa was sitting on her bed reading a book not even bothering to look up till I cleared my throat.
"Uh I uh guess where roommates for this camp." I stated starting bouncing from foot to foot. She looked up and chuckled at my awkwardness. She sat up from the bed to be facing me.
"No were not I just like taking people's keys, unpacking my stuff in there rooms, and reading." Alyssa said rolling her eyes laughing at her own joke.
Emily laughed as well and walked to the untouched bed to unpack and relax. I sat on my bed scrolling through instagram when I came across a picture of Alyssa from her account. I immediately smiled and liked it. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Alyssas raspy voice.
"Hey our team meeting isn't for two days because some of the girls aren't here yet due to the storm, but I'm gonna go hang out at becky's for a little." Alyssa said getting up heading for the door not before saying.
"Jill also ordered us room service so we don't have to worry about it." Then shut the door behind her. I immediately toke out my phone and called Lindsey.
"Hello." Lindsey asked out of breath.
"I see your reacquainting yourself with Alex." I chuckled.
"Shut up. We where have fun till you called. What do you need?" I cringed at the thought.
"One ew. Two I don't think I can be around Alyssa alone." I said rubbing my neck.
"Come on Emily just tell her how you fell about her. Remember what happened when I tried to hide my love from Alex. I fell apart." She paused before continuing.
"Emily you need listen to me. Do not hide it, TELL HER." She yelled the last part.
"Alright I'll tell her. Thanks Lindsey. Bye. Bye Alex." I said knowing she was listening.
"Bye sonny."

Then we hung up.
'How am I gonna do this.' I thought to myself.


I quickly walked down the hall way to Beckys door. I knocked quickly and waited for her to answer.
"Alyssa what's wrong." She asked letting me in.
"I can't hold it in anymore becks. I have to tell her. I have to tell Emily I'm in love with her." I stated starting to pace.

I've been in love with Emily for about a year know. She is everything I've every wanted in a person.
"Alright calm down Lyssa." She said placing her hand on my shoulder stopping all movements.
"Just tell her. We have two days with out any team meetings or interruptions. It's the perfect time." She said dragging me to the door. She pushed me out, but before she closed the door she said.
"Good luck. Get your girl." Them closed the door. I walked down the hall and could hear the thunder and lightening. Oh god that's my biggest fear thunder.

I got to my door and remembered I left with out my key card. I knocked on the door a few times before it was opened by the gorgeous blonde.
"Hey sorry I forgot my room key." I said not wanting to make her mad at me.
"Oh that's fine. Sorry." She said releasing she was standing in the door.


Emily and Alyssa sat one there beds playing in there phones. Then a big boom of thunder startled Alyssa and she feel off the bed. The big bad goal keeper was scared. Emily started laughing at the scared face of the goalkeeper. When Alyssa heard Emily laughing she got under the comforter and turned her back to the defender. Emily immediately felt bad. She was doing a bad job at showing Alyssa how she truly felt already.
"Alyssa I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Emily said trying to get Alyssa to turn back to her. To no avail Emily got up from her bed and slowly sat on Alyssas. She slowly placed her hand on Alyssas arm rubbing it softly. The silence broken by another boom of thunder making Alyssa jump, turning and wrapping her arms around the young blondes waist hiding her face in Sonnetts side. Emily slowly rubbed the other girls back trying to calm her down.

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