Kristie Mewis and Rachel Daly

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Authors note: I know I already did a form of this with Beth and Daan but I also like this type of story for Rachel and Kristie.


Today we're at a bar after a game against Chicago red stars that we tied. I'm sitting next to Jane and Kristie, Jane keeps trying to get Kristie and I together. I made the mistake of telling the goalkeeper that I've had feelings for Kristie since she joined our team last season. Ever since I told her she's been pushing us together. Making us sit next to each other, leaving us alone in the apartment that we all three share. We were all talking when we heard a loud burst of laughs, when we looked to the front door of the bar some of the Chicago red stars where walking in. Including my ex-girlfriend that cheated on me three years ago. By now I've gotten over her but every time I see her she try's flirting with me. Although she's flirted with me she's never done it around Kristie and I'm nervous that if she does that Kristie will never give me a shot. As there sitting down I turn my head and whisper to Jane.
"Jane she's going to try and flirt with me and ruin my chance with Kristie. She's finally started to flirt back and I don't want miss crazy ass to ruin that." I whispered.
"Hey are you guys okay. You seem a little worried Rachie." Kristie said softly putting her hand on my thigh rubbing it just as softly with her thumb effectively calming me down. Before I could answer Jane started talking.
"Her ex that cheated on her is over there and every time she sees Rachel she flirts with her and Rachel it hates but is too nice to say anything." She said placing her hand on my shoulder. Kristie immediately looked over and saw Sarah smirking at me. I could feel her tense up next to me and grip my thigh a little bit harder. Kristie pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to a contact I couldn't see. Moments later Julie ertz was walking over.
"Hey what's up Kmew. How have you been?"
"I've been good. Enjoying the set up in Houston." She said not even bothering to move her hand off my thigh when Julie looked down at it.
"Hey so can you do me a favor."
"Yeah sure, just as long as it's not messing with Sam because you know how protective Becky and Alyssa are of her and they scare me." She said with a slight chuckle.
"No it's not messing with Sammy. Um this is weird a question, but can you keep that Sarah girl away from Rachel. They dated and some stuff went down and know every time she sees Rachel she flirts with her and it makes Rachel uncomfortable." She asked slightly tilting her head to the Side towards me.
"Oh ya, no problem." She said hugging Kristie and saying bye to Jane and I.
"You didn't have to do that."
"It's fine, that's the perks of having a sister that's still on the national team." She stated smirking at me.

We continued talking for about an hour and that whole time I didn't see or hear Sarah anywhere near me. But some things are to good to be true. Kristie has gone to the rest room and Jane was talking to Megan when she found her way to the seat right next to me where Jane had previously occupied.
"Hey rachie, what are you doing over here on your own."
"Um waiting for my friends." I said turning back to face the bar. While I was taking a sip of my drink my phone went off with a text from Kristie that read 'I have an idea. Just go with it.'
Moments later Kristie walked over and wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me into her side roughly then put her hand on my thigh.
"Hey baby, sorry I went to restroom real quick and stopped to talk with Jane and Megan." She said kissing the side of my head giving me butterfly's even though it was an act. After we held eye contact for what felt like hours but it was actually only a couple seconds she looked up at Sarah
"Oh I'm sorry, I keep getting lost in my girls beautiful eyes. I'm Kristie." She said sticking her hand out to Sarah.
"I-Im Sarah, and it's fine." She said accepting her hand and shaking it slightly. I knew what she was trying do she was trying to make it seem like she didn't know me or Kristie and like she didn't know we played soccer.
"So what do you guys do as jobs." She asked regaining her confidence thinking she's got Kristie convinced.  I honestly don't know how she didn't recognized Kristie after she just played a game against hers
"The same thing as you, professional soccer." Kristie said with a slight smirk.
"Oh ya we just played you I don't know how I didn't recognize you. And hi Rachel it's nice to see you." She said trying to run her hand down my arm but Kristie stopped her.
"Don't touch my girl." She said giving me butterflies again.
"Come on, you really think I believe this. Rachel just said she was waiting for her friends. Plus Rachel is probably still obsessed with me. It's okay to admit it we can give this another go if that's what you want." She said once again trying to touch my arm but Kristie once again stopped again.
"I said not to touch my girl." She said pulling me in closer to her chest.
"I feel nothing for you anymore. All my feelings for you went out the door when you cheated. I'm with Kristie know, you don't get everything you want." I said leaning back more being comfortable in her arms.
"You really think I believe that your together. Just admit your not and I'll leave you alone, all you have to do is admit it." She said crossing her arms over her chest smirking.
"Oka-" but before I could admit that this was all fake Kristie pulled my face to hers and connected our lips in a searing kiss. Slowly she pulled away looking at Sarah with a big smirk on her face. I couldn't turn to face her because I was blushing immensely so I hid my face in neck.
"So will you leave my girl and I alone. Or do you need more proof." Kristie asked voice laced with venom.
"What ever have fun. She's pretty dame broken from our break up." Before Kristie or I could say anything we were interrupted.
"Your gonna be pretty dame broken In a couple minutes if you don't leave Kmew and her girlfriend alone." I heard Julie state with the rest of the USA girls from the Chicago read stars standing behind them. When I made eye contact with moe she smirked at me causing me to blush a deeper red and return my face in its hiding spot in Kristies neck.
"Oh come on guys we're NWSL teammates your supposed to have my side not some dumb broken Brit and her little girlfriend." She said waving her hand towards us.
"We will always have our past and present national teammates over NWSL ones. Now walk away and leave them alone." They said ushering her off with the rest of the USA girls.

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