Chapter 2 - Percy

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hope you all liked the first chapter, this one is longer. I think all of them will be around this length. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. Make sure you stick around for chapter 3

I whipped my head around to see the booming Green dragon feet of the giant king running towards my family. I reached into my pocket where my sword riptide always stayed. LUKE, GIRLS, RUN!!!!! I heard annabeth yell, i her eyes wide with fear as well as determination. I understood the terror in her voice, not just for all the memory's this brought back but the fear for our children, we had to keep them safe.I uncapped my pen and a glowing celestial bronze sword grew just as the giant king shot a lightning bold that missed my sons head by inches. I yelled at Luke to run away and keep his sisters safe while Annabeth and I fought him.
It's time for the great Percy and Annabeth Jackson saviours of olymups to die, bellowed Polyboties, his eyes fixed on us. This monster had been that close to killing my son just like he had me 23 years ago. rage filled me, come for a rematch have you, i would've thought you'd have learnt your lesson not to mess with demigods by now i shouted, I'm not letting anyone hurt my kids. Annabeth and I charged. We slashed and cut, ran and dodged but it wasn't enough we needed a god. There was no way to talk our way out of this one either, polyboties was intent on killing us, we wouldn't be able to trick him this time. he was angry, we had defeated his mother gaea and left him to rot in Tartarus. I knew what Tartarus was like first hand but I didn't feel sorry for him, he deserved everything he got, worse. I ran around and slashed a long cut on the giants thigh. He roared and cut a gash in my shoulder, I screamed but kept fighting. MUM, DAD! I turned around to see Luke running towards us with a big rock and a butter knife in each of his hads. No I thought please Luke just stay away. Luke I yelled, go back it's not safe, but i knew he wouldnt listed, he was to much like me.
no I want to help, the girls are fine i hid them. that was the problem with having a kid so much like you, Luke was brave and reminded me of my self when I was his age, 12, determined to fight the Minotaur to keep my mum safe. But this wasn't a Minotaur this was a 30 foot tall bane of Poseidon, son to gaea and Tartarus himself. luke would get himself killed. Mabey it would hurt you more to watch your son die instead, yes I'll make you watch, then I'll kill you slowly polyboties laughed an evil booming laughter that had haunted my dreamed ever since the quest to free thanatos. I realized what was happening just in time. I sprinted to Luke and jumped in front of him just as a large green trident sunk into my chest. Instantly the world seemed to dim and pain was all I felt, burning, I felt like I was on fire. But I didn't care Luke was alright, as long as Luke was alive. I heard Annabeth and Luke scream but it was muffled I fell to the ground in pool of warm red blood, my blood. Riptide clattered our of my hand as another massive trident fell from the sky and turned the giant king to a pile of gold dust. He was dead, but I'm probably dead to I thought as I Tried to stay conscious. the pain was unbearable but I had to stay strong for Luke and Annabeth's sake. I could faintly see Annabeth running in our direction she was screaming my name though it only sounded like a whisper. My head was in my sons lap and his tears were falling on my face. Don't die dad please, please dad hold on. But the pain was to much and everything went black

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO PERCY! Chapter 3 coming soon

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