Chapter 7 - Annabeth

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a million years I hope this lives up to expectations 😂
Tip: prepare for sadness I cried writing this😭

the next day violent howling waves crashed on the shore of Long Island sound and every other coastline around the globe. The mortal news was saying that massive shifts in tectonic plates had caused large waves and tsunamis all over the world, though everyone at camp half blood new the true reason the world was being flooded. camp had and overall feel of sadness, as if a blanket of misery had been draped across us all, covering everything that was good. the campfires after dinner barley got over half a meter tall on good nights and there were certainly no sing along's. even then, most campers just went to bed early. It had been many years since Percy, I winced and the name, and I had attended camp, though not many things had changed. Most of the campers knew Percy from 2 week long visits we used to make 2 or 3 times a year with the kids. Although they had not grown up with Percy he had become a sort of fatherly figure and a friend to many of the unclaimed campers, kids without a mortal dads and anyone who needed a friend or some sword fighting help alike. he'd affected so many peoples lives and everyone was left heart broken. no one had expected Percy to die, he was one of those people that everyone thought was invincible. he had survived two major wars and hundreds of impossible quests. he had become a symbol of hope to all the Greek demigods that life beyond your teen years was possible, that you could grow old and get married, live to have children. now that he had died that hope had gone away. as if everyone was realizing that if the greatest demigod of all time can die, they don't stand a chance. everyone was so very deeply saddened, One thing for sure was he was very much loved and admired by all, besides a few of the Apollo campers who obviously saw how pathetic he was at archery. that's besides the point though, we would all remember him forever.

It's been a day since my seaweed brain died, today we are burning his shroud. It's beautiful. A lovely sea green made to be the shade of  Percy's beautiful eyes. To others they were indistinguishable, but to me nothing will ever Truly match the exact colour, not ever. Tears streaked my blotchy cheeks as I watched The Embroidered waves and tridents in their spectacular ocean blue sparkle in the sun. Though what really make be break down was the little family stitched to the bottom right corner, A picture of our family. Percy standing tall in the middle holding the people he cherished most so closely, with the words "I will always love you" inscribed below it. A new wave of sobs rolled over me. Our family would never be complete again, there would be a constant hole, a hole that I'm not sure any of us know how to live with. The kids, sally, Paul, Chiron, Leo and I stood at the front of the hollow amphitheater willed with the cries of hundreds of loved ones, friends and campers that Percy new. Even people who had never met Percy had come to pay respects to the courageous hero who sacrificed himself for his son. I should have expected it, the whole world had heard of Percy. every sater, half blood, God, titan, giant, monster, nymph, ghost and centor, had heard of the great Percyus Jackson, savior of  Olympus, I think everyone was just as shocked at his death as we were. Luke tightly hugged Selina her head buried in his side, her body heaving with sobs. Luke has his head on her shoulder staring longingly at the fabric laid over the firewood, silent sobs filled with guilt filled his body. and little Charlie, barley a year into starting school, little Charlie who unlike her siblings wouldn't remember lots about her loving and loyal father. Little Charlie who for most of her childhood would grow up without a father just like Percy, and so many other half bloods out there had before her. I cradled my youngest child's body to my chest as her small legs wrapped around my waist, but she wasn't stupid she understood what was happening. little salty droplets had already soaked through my top. I would tell her so many stories so would luke and Selena about what a great man her dad was. I looked over at the shroud again. it truely was a piece of art, Rachel designed it herself. I couldn't have picked anything wrong with it, other than the reason why she had made it. Gods I thought Tartarus was hard, this is 100x worse. the pain is suffocating, I don't know how I'm going to stay strong for my kids. l, I can't even stay strong myself. I stare at the back of the amphitheater hoping beyond hope that maybe this was another horrible nightmare, that Percy would smile at me mischievously from the back of the room like he did so long ago, that I would run to him and the world would finally go back to normal. But knew it wouldn't, I knew it couldn't. I knew it because I watched as the life drain out of his eyes, as his pulse stopped. I knew it because I had watched him die in my arms. Though grief had put me in a bubble of nothing but pain and yearning, of sorrow, sadness and hope. Hoping aimlessly, hoping for things that would never happen. I couldn't help but plea with every inch of my will to the gods, to any god that would listen, Any god that could do anything at all. Surely one of them Could reverse time and bring back our seaweed brain our dad our friend, our son our Percy. He'd saved them, more times than they liked to admit, there really would be no world without him. Although earth still spun and life went on
I felt as time had stopped altogether. How could I ever go back to our apartment in New York,  how could I ever raise our 3 children on my own, how could I live without him. I cried into Charlie's hair, There was nothing I could do to bring him back, nothing I could do to wipe away his pain. There was nothing I could do to stop my children's pain, his parents pain, the camps pain, my pain. Leo gently lit his fingers and placed the on the wood at the bottom on the stack. The wood caught and the fire engulfed the beautiful shroud embroidered with everything that symbolised Percy.

The cries coming from the amphitheater could probably be heard on Olympus. Every one cried listening to the crackle of the fire signifying the death of the greatest hero of all time. I saw hazel crying into franks shirt, piper doing the same to Jason. The tears on the boys cheeks were flowing just as much as the girls their faces contorted in screams of helplessness for their dead friend. Reyna was tougher though. her eyes remained moist but still not a tear fell. though Her face told a different story, she had the same look as the boys, shear helplessness and pure sadness. Nico and Will we're crying their daughter Bianca hugging Nicos waist, wills arm resting on her shoulder. Leo was still standing next to the flames his fingers still smoking and his head hung low. he hadn't joked once since we had arrived with Percy on the Pegasi and I could tell he dramatically hated having to be the one to light that fire. Calypso was in the seat next to Will, the seats next to her filled by Conner, Travis, Katie, Thalia, Grover, Juniper, Clarisse, Chris, Tyson, Ella, Drew, Malcom, Rachel, coach hedge with Millie and Chuck and Hylla, the party ponies, even mr D was sitting with the campers. Every one of them staring at the burning shroud, staring at what was left of my husband. I looked over at sally, she looked like a bomb had gone off right inside her chest. She clutched at Paul's shirt as the wood burned along with her sons dead body. Paul was just as distressed though it wasn't so plainly written by on his face. You could see it in way he stood and grip he had on sally as it she was grounding him. Percy left so many things behind, his family, his friends, all the memory's everyone had of his, but most of all Percy left a unfulfillable hole in my heart. he was my one true love, I knew Without thinking about it that I would never marry anyone els. Even it that's what he would have wanted, for me to be happy, I could never do it. I would wait till we were reunited, I would do the same thing Percy was doing a million miles away. But still, I wished apon every star I saw, every dandelion my kids blew, every wishbone I broke that he would open his beautiful sea green eyes and look at me just one more time, tell me one more sarcastic joke, one more cheeky grin. I knew my wishing would just come to nothing, that was the way science worked. Still, deep inside my broken heart I knew that one day I would see my seaweed brain and he would still love me the way I love him.

Percy Jackson's death (PJO, HOO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now