Chapter 6 - Annabeth

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Hey guys I'm sorry for the longer wait, ive been pretty busy but i'm glad there are a few people who seem to be enjoying this short story. Please comment what you think I'd love to hear.

Percy wasn't the kind of guy that was easy to kill. But as my mother had foretold, loyalty, his fatal flaw would be the thing to bring him down. I was no child of Hades but even I, deep down knew not even Percy could survive this, even if I so desperately wanted to believe otherwise. He'd survived so much, achieved so much but after it was all over I suppose we Both got used to the idea that maybe we could live to be wrinkled with gray hair and lots of grandchildren. Percy wasn't going to get that now, and I wasn't sure I wanted it either without him by my side. I looked over at my husband wincing in pain a our son fumbled in his pocked for riptide. Percy tried for a smile but it came out as more of tortured look, as if he was being told a joke while being repeatedly stabbed. I grimaced, Percy was never serious, but since being impaled he hadn't joked.i guess dying did that to a person. But I also think he understood full well that this injury would be the death of him, and he would have to leave us all behind, everyone he loved. Percy isn't stupid. I mean yeah he is but he has a good knowledge of injuries from over the years as a demigod and his definitely didn't look good. Luke l-listen I want y-you to h-have it he stammered. he was struggling to get the sentences out. It broke my heart, if Percy was giving Luke his sword, the sword he'd wielded in all his battles he really thought he wasn't going to make it. he thrashed and screamed and my mind went into panic. WILL, QUICK. i scanned the room looking for any sight of an Apollo campers as Will ran in, he'd gone to get more ambrosia and luckily was already on the way back. this was it, Percy was going to die I could feel it, his injury's were to severe. and Gordon blood! it's a miracle he's even lived this long. Dad, Luke stammered with fake confidence, he seemed just as panicked as me, you're not going to die. Percy's eyes glazed over as if was he was looking through frosted glass. But I still saw the look on Percy's face, a look only the people who know him as well as I did would have seen. I saw the sadness, he knew and he understood. I let the tears that were threatening to spill, fall. It couldn't be happening no no not my seaweed brain. He looks sad, so sad and there nothing I can do. I usually take pride in being a daughter of Athena but for the first time in my life I wished to be an Apollo camper. Just So I could help him. No I can help him by just being there. I gently picked up Percy's hand and held it between my own, I'd hesitated before because I knew it would hurt him, but now he was in enough pain that I'm not really sure if he would even feel it. And to he honest I think he really needed some reassurance, something familiar, something to ground him. As I suspected he didn't seem to feel the pain at all. He looked over at me with his sad eyes as if he was saying goodbye. I burst into a lot tears. L-Luke k-keep y-yourself s-safe, use I-it w-we'll, remember m-me. The Apollo ampere came like a stampede of elephants. They were adjusting heart monitors, injecting him and struggling to feed him ambrosia. They were pouring even more nectar into his drip which also made me worried he'd explode, but that wasn't really out top problem at the moment Percy was slipping, his eyes were slowly drooping, the beep from the heart monitor was becoming less frequent and He had an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. They sight was horrible, the love of my life surrounded in nothing but pain, machines and wires struggling more with every shallow, shaky breath he took. The Apollo campers yelled orders and ran around like headless chickens. My mind slowed as I unfocused every thing other than the heart monitor. When it gave its final beat I think my heart might have just stopped with it. I gripped Percy's had tighter, PERCY!!! But he didn't hear me not any more. Looking back I would think myself pretty calm, well as calm as you can be when your husband is dying, before Will started CPR, after that I was a complete mess. COME ON JACKSON THINK ABOUT ANNABETH, THE KIDS THEY NEED YOU! Will was yelling at Percy as he started compression. I'm so very grateful for Will. I don't think I'd have the strength to yell out now, but somehow he did. Percy was a friend of wills to, he was a friend of everyone's. I don't know how he was holding up suck a poker face. Percy also would've died right after getting to camp without him. He had moved to swiftly and calmly and had stabilized him only mear hours ago. I cried, and I cried more. My seaweed brain really wasn't going to make if out of this battle. I consistently squired his hand hoping beyond hope that he would feel me, supporting him in his last moments. He started to cry and his eyes that had been dashed focused on me. He whispered words, so soft I had to lean right in. Even then they were almost impossible to understand. D-don't cry A-Annie, I-I'll w-wait i-in Elysium m-my w-wise g-irl. I-I love y-you, t-take c-care o-of o-of-o... the rest was incoherent but I knew what he would be trying to say. I nodded and squeeze his hand, not trusting myself to speak. Our kids were going to grow up without a father and I would take care of them on behalf of Percy. Luke was 12 but the girls were only 9 and 7 who new how much of Percy they would remember. He loved those kids so much, he was probably thinking about the same thing I was. I would tell the. So many stories they would always know how much of a hero their father was. Percy's eyes fell and I found my strength DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES PERCY. I shook his arm trying anything to keep him awake. Perch, Percy don't leave me. My voice was was draped in misery I just hoped he wouldn't pick up on it, he would of course he knows me to well. I-I-I he mumbled though it was no more that a whole load of gurgling. I sobbed as it dawned on me. After all these years having each other's back, fighting by each other's sides and taking countless injury's for the other. I really couldn't save him this time, I couldn't take the bullet. All I could do was make him more comfortable, more at peace.Percy it's all ok, your ok I love you seaweed brain I'll love you forever. His eyes closed then they reopened the tiniest bit, a bit more though he couldn't get them more than halfway. Obviously my words had only made him more determined. I Hurd a clip crop of hoofs as Chiron came into the room. He gasped, shook by the intensity of the situation. Percy had been like a son to Chiron this couldn't be easy on him either. I kissed Percy's forehead and cradled his head in arms stroking his hair as another set of desperate eyes were set on our hero of Olympus. His eyes were now closed and his body had long gone heavy. Luke ran to Chiron and buried his head in the centaurs fur. There was still children of Apollo adjusting the machines and jabbing needles, they wouldn't give up up on Percy or any camper for that matter. They only thing that made them stop was the the echoing ring of the heart monitor signaling the death of the great Percus Jackson, son of Poseidon.

Ps: sorry or any spelling mistakes or incorrect medical details, I am not a doctor 😂

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