Chapter 9 - Nico

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okay guys, yea it been awhile but I'm back. I feel like I say this every time but I'm really gonna up my game and start posting more. BIG shout out to everyone who has commented. it seriously does make my day and pushes me to upload faster for those of you who are reading. hope you enjoy this one, next on up soon

ps: if you guys have any suggestions for the story please tell me in the comments, would love to hear

I ran, I ran as far from Elysium as I could after I was out of Percy sight. How, out of everyone, Percy was the one most deserving of life, yet he was the first one to die. he died in pain, but I knew that for Percy the pain was nothing in comparison to the feeling of loss for everyone he knew. I fell to my knees and wept. NICO, I scolded myself, don't sit here and cry what are you going to do. an idea formed into my head and my heart brightened just a little. Could it work, is it possible. I knew that I couldn't bring Percy back as much as I wanted to, Hades would never allow it. even if that person did save his butt multiple times. But maybe there was something better than sitting in Elysium, maybe there was something close to living if only a fracture. I thought of my daughter, Bianca, I couldn't stand it if I died and left her behind. I knew in that moment what I needed to do. No matter what it took. I started running again but this time not aimlessly. I was headed for Hades palace. As I walk up the gates to my father anger boiled inside me. I walk past Persephone's garden and multiple skeleton guards their faces grim. I stormed into the throne room to see Persephone and Hades glaring at each other, in the midst of an argument over who was going to feed Cerberus. The obsidian walls and bronze floor gave of an Ora of death much like the God himself. I threw a bronze dagger between their heads and chuckled as they looked up startled. "I guess you're here about Perseus Jackson then. Nico I I've already expressed very clearly that although he was brave hero or whatever I'm not bringing him back". Fury took over my body I screamed at him. "YOU DON'T EVEN CARE THAT HE'S DEAD DO YOU. HE SAVED YOU MULTIPLE TIMES AND ALL YOUR TALKING ABOUT IS WHO'S GOING TO FEED YOUR DUMB DOG". He looked taken aback "Nico why are you angry at me, it was the fates who choose this and Thanatos who took him and brought him here. I'm just here to, well I'm caretaker of souls, I make sure they don't go back to the land of the living. "but why dad after all he's done for you, you're just going to let him rot away by himself". "I – I mean that's kind of how it works. A – and I have to be fair to all the other souls. I could tell he was trying to grasp at any argument he had. "BUT DAD, PERCY ISN'T LIKE THE OTHER SOULS, HE DESERVES MORE". I was winning, my father was getting more and more desperate for reasons not to agree. Any hope I had disappeared as I saw my father straighten up and regain his confidence. Realizing that even though I was his son, he was a god and I was merely a much less powerful mortal version of himself. "NICO I'M NOT LETTING I'M BACK. HE'S DEAD OK YOU CAN'T SAVE HIM". I broke down there it was again the word dead. It was every were making everything so much more real. You could Deny it. Make yourself believe that he would be making stupid jokes at breakfast tomorrow but as soon as that word was spoken reality came crashing back down on you like a big powerful wave from the ocean. Percy was dead there was nothing I could do. Dads face was sad realizing he'd gone too far. "I – I Nico I – I'm sorry I" "SAVE IT" I snapped. I got up and started towards the door before I remembered my first idea. "dad" I whispered "could you at least let him go to camp and to his house as like a – a spirit. Let him see his kids grow up." He looked reluctant but he agreed "ok but they cant see him, he can only see them" "bu-""that's my final offer" I walked out feeling hot tears falling down my face. I decided to shadow travel, but not home, not yet. I decided to go to the beach. As I stared into the rolling waved, I thought of Annabeth. I would tell her about Percy. I'm sure my father wouldn't want me to but I didn't care. I just hoped she would one day be happy again. As I fell asleep on the sand, that same word came back to me, dead, I thought about how much I was going to miss my friend.

 As I fell asleep on the sand, that same word came back to me, dead, I thought about how much I was going to miss my friend

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I Sat on the sand staring out at the waves washing against the shore when Nico called my name. I turned around to see the son of Hades looking down at me. "how ya doing" I didn't know what to say, I was so not ok but I didn't was to admit it. I was supposed to be brave, fearless and strong, but I didn't feel like any of that now, all I felt was deep despair. how could Percy really be gone, he was my seaweed brain, he's the love of my life. He's, he's, he's dead. I started sobbing. I didn't even notice as Nico sat down and put his arm around me. We sat in silence like that for a while not knowing what to do or say just knowing that the other was feeling just as bad as you were. After ten minutes Nico started talking. "Annabeth, I went to see Percy" "WHAT, HOW, WHEN HOW IS HE". I couldn't control myself, I couldn't stop the steady stream of tears. I realized I was shaking when Nico held my hands steadying them. I couldn't hold it back anymore I sobbed into his shoulder. "Nico you have to go save him" I wasn't sure he heard me. But eventually we started talking. "about that Annabeth, I – I've already tried, my dad won't let him go. He did say we would let him be a ghost of sort. He can see you and the kids all the time but, you can't see him. My heart lifted just a little bit. My sea weed brain wouldn't be completely alone, or maybe it would be worse not being able to communicate with us ever, maybe it would just make him feel more lost and lonely. I said goodbye to Nico, though my mind was far far away. I started sobbing again, this time more deep and uncontrollable, It was at that moment that I felt it. You couldn't explain it, it was one of those things that couldn't be put into words. It was like a sixth sense, I could feel him, I immediately knew it was my husband. fresh tears came to surface. Percy I crocked, I lifted my hand out in front of me like mime might when performing on the street. "Percy my darling" the wind pick up just slightly almost as if it was embracing me. I closed my eyes leaning in to the swaying of the wind. tears still poring down my dirt streaked face though they were different tears now. no longer was I was crying out of pure hatred. hatred at the gods, at monsters, at the fates at everything that made my poor Percy and i's life so dang HARD. I crying out of deep longing for my seaweed brain to just come home. I could feel him, I knew it was him, somehow I knew in my gut that he was here, holding me while I cried.  And yet he was still so far. I lay down onto the sand and rested my tired mind, I thought of his beautiful green eyes and his fun loving smile. I though about my darling Percy and how so very deeply I loved him. As I drifted off to sleep, to the wind whistling the tune Percy sang to out children for the first night in a very long time I slept peacefully, dreaming of Percy's rough calloused hands holding mine. 

Percy Jackson's death (PJO, HOO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now