chapter 5 - Percy

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HEY DEMIGODS, chapter 5 is here. hope our enjoying it, in certainly enjoying writing it.

I registered pain, lots of pain, way to pain. my chest throbbed unbearably, I screamed, unable to keep it in. but that only make the pain worse. I felt as if someone was stabbing me from the inside of my mouth. immediately 100 eyes were on me. Come on pipes I heard Jason say a tear trickling down his face. Piper wept as she turned to look at me before leaving the cabin. Annabeth and Luke broke apart and ran to my bedside. PERCY YOUR AWAKE!  Annabeth called out. can you hear me, do you remember what happened, we're at camp you're going to be alright. but I Heard the quiver in her voice at alright as if she was unsure. I opened my mouth to speak, Annie, Luke I croaked, breathless. My voice was so soft I could barely hear it myself. A-are y-you all o-OK, Charlie a-and Selina. Annabeth almost laughed you're the one with the trident in your chest and you ask if were alright, but yeah were all OK. She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. They were sad and I could tell She was hurting, so was Luke. I wanted to hug them, reassure them I was alright. But I could barley lift my wrist to hold their hands. And to be honest I wasn't sure I was. I'd defeated titans, giants and monsters of every type, but this poison wound felt unbeatable. I was holding in so much, tears, pain, so much pain. I couldn't show them just how much it hurt. I didn't want to see them suffer any more than they already were. Luke, I whispered, he looked up his eyes red and swollen, it broke my heart. How could I do this to him, I remembered my first day at camp half blood, I thought my mum was dead, killed by the Minotaur. Now there was a chance that my son, the same age would have to go through the same thing I did, except this time there would be no quest, no chance to save his dad. Luke, I said again, reach into my p-pocket and grab my s-sword. He gave me a quizzical look but followed. I winced as his hand fumbles around my side, I obviously wasn't very good at hiding it both Luke and Annabeth grimaced. He pulled out a simple ball point pen with the inscription "Anaklusmos" on the side. The familiar pen I had used to kill almost every monster, every titan and giant I had ever faced, well except except the minotaur and a few other. It had returned to my pocket as it always did. Dad what do you want with riptide, you can't even hold it, he chocked on the last line as if it pained him. Luke l-listen I want y-you to h-have it. I was burning, fire spreading round my body coursing through my veins. I thrashed grunting no I was screaming with pain, I definitely wasn't keeping it in well. WILL! Annabeth yelled, her voice dripped with concern and panic QUICK. I heard running footsteps but they seemed distant. Dad, Luke asked, alarmed you're not going to die. But I knew I would, I overheard Will talking to Annabeth, gorgon blood was certainly not a good thing. my eyes grew heavy. L-Luke I gasped losing breath k-keep your s-self s-safe, use I-it w-well , remember m-me. Apollo campers rushed in, Will in their lead. Machines were going crazy, signals that my heart rate was slowing. he was shouting orders but I could barley hear. everything was fading everything but the roar in my ears and the cries from my son and wife. I had an oxygen mask pulled over my head, allowing me to breathe easier, needles pricing my skin. Will counted as he continuously pumped my chest. COME ON JACKSON! THINK ABOUT ANNABETH, THE KIDS THEY NEED YOU. but I'd gone numb to everything other than the squeeze of Annabeth's hand, her tears on my arm and the fire, so much fire burning inside me. My life flashed before me, Gabe, all of my 6 schools, the lightning bolt, the fleece, loosing Annabeth, the labyrinth, fighting kronos, freeing Thanatos. I thought about Tartarus, damasen and bob and defeating, gaea, the day I proposed, my wedding, the day each of my kids were born. But most I remembered my family and friends. My mum, Paul, Annabeth, Luke Silena, Charlie, Grover, Leo, piper, hazel, frank, Jason, Chiron, Tyson, the Stolls, Nico, Thalia, Reyna, coach, Will, Rachael, Clarisse. How could I leave them all behind. Tears formed in my eyes as I formed my last words I would ever speak, d-don't c-cry Annie. I-I'll wait in e-Elysium m-my w-wise g-girl, i l-love y-you t-take care of t-them. My eyes drooped. DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES PERCY, Annabeth shook me sending shocks of pain through my arm. Percy, Percy don't leave me, she muttered in a  voice so full of misery it almost caused me more physical pain. I-I-I.
I tried to talk but all that came out of my mouth was a bunch of mumbled gurgles. PERCY. I LOVE YOU SEAWEED BRAIN, COME ON. I willed my eyes open but it didn't change anything, they were heavy, like cars were staked upon them. I heard the familiar clip clip of horses hoves and knew that Chiron was here, my mentor/fatherly figure had gotten back just in time to see me die. No I couldn't die a sudden surge of strength when through me, I have to fight it I must live. But my efforts were pointless i was already half way to charons boat, ready to set sail to hades realm. the last thing I saw before my eyes drooped shut was my wise girl kissing my forehead and cradling my head luke nestled into Chirons side who was stoking his hair, they cried together and mourned the death of a father, the death of a husband, the death of a son but most of all, the death of a friend. There were still Apollo campers adjusting machines swearing in ancient Greek. They weren't giving up on me yet. My eyes had won the fight by now, my hearing had gone and by body had betrayed me but my touch, the feel of Annabeth was the last thing I felt as everything and everyone that I loved disappeared forever.

ITS DEPRESSING I KNOW :( :( next update hopefully tomorrow

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