chapter 2

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"Training camp remember guys tonight , be here 9:30pm sharp! "

" Yes coach! "


I'd forgotten about that. It had been easy to after Mum had been sectioned for the past week, with no updates from Asaki yet. I'll have to ask Mr Katsuki and his husband next door to look after Natsu for couple days.

I always felt a little funny about asking, but I didn't need to arouse any suspicion from the team if I couldn't come to camp. The couple were sweet and kind, very famous figure skaters once upon a time but now they lived a relatively normal life in the suburbs of Miyagi.

"Hey Hinata , you good?"

Nishinoya was looking at me, along with everyone else, looking a little confused.

"....yeah why?"

"You just said 'Crap' pretty loudly."

"'s nothing, my arm just hurts a little."

A passable excuse, but not one of my best.

"Oh lemme see, we can help you bandage up if you've hurt it!"


He can't see my arms. No matter what, he can't see my arms.

"I swear it fine. Honestly, don't worry, I'm sure I just stretched it by overworking myself aha."

The first bit came out a little louder and frantic than I intended. An awkward silence lingered for a few moments, before everyone dropped the situation and continued to pack away the gym. Kageyama turned to me,

"Hey dumbass , you wanna walk today? "

"Sure! let's go,"

Walks home with the idiot Kageyama were my favourite part of the day , (other than practice) , but also part that I hated at the same time. It was a walk into uncertainty most days. I'd have to prepare myself for whatever I walked into.

Some days she'd be normal, cooking dinner, baking cookies or cleaning. Others she'd be screaming and wrecking the house, or beating me. But Kageyama made it better by just being there. he was a great distraction. We usually walked home in a comfortable silence, sometimes we'd talk about games or practice. The whole situation was bittersweet. After a while , we reached the intersection parted ways.

"See ya later dumbass, "

"Bye Baka,"

I got home, Natsu was staying at a friends tonight, so all I had to arrange was her being picked up and hoping that our neighbours could look after her for a few days. I packed my bags for camp , and went over to Mr Katsuki's house and knocked on the door.

"SHOYO! How nice to see you! how's your mother and Natsu?"

I gave him short and sweet response , and asked him and Mr Nikiforov to look after Natsu for a couple days since 'mum was on a business trip'. He agreed , thank god.

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