chapter 3

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Hinata was acting weirdly lately. Scrap that. He always acted weirdly. Maybe I didn't notice it first , because I didn't know him all to well and I kinda hated his guts. But there's these little things that just...get to me. I feel like he's hiding something from us all. Behind his cu— no , uh , normal smile. Something, I couldn't quite decipher what it was, something didn't feel right. He was always so happy , a little to happy to be real all the time.

It was the things like he always seemed nervous as i left him to go home , he never invited me over , I've never even met his mum or dad or any of his family, the way he flinches when someone raises their arms at him. The way he showers 6 or 7 times sometimes in the locker rooms. The way he always wears long sleeves even in the summer time.

Now I've never been good at maths, but this really didn't add up.

I looked out the window and watched Miyagi become a small blur behind us as the coach milled onwards. Hinata was curled up next to me , leaning on my shoulder , fast asleep. He looked so peaceful, but his eyebrows were furrowed and he kept whimpering and saying 'no'. It was weird. He was probably having a nightmare. I was tempted to wake him up, but I remembered an article in the volleyball magazine I was reading that it's bad to wake up someone in the middle of a nightmare.

After a while, the sounds stopped and he was peacefully sleeping soundly as we pulled up to training camp, late.

"Hinata ."

"Hinataaaaa wake up."

"Dumbass come on wake up,"

He was fast asleep, I looked at Narita and Kinoshita who were sat next to us, giving them a pleading look that in hindsight might have come across as a glare.

"Just pick him up for now Kageyama."

Daichi laughed a little, I hadn't noticed his figure looming over mine.

"How am I—ugh—fine."

I picked him up in my arms, he fit perfectly, a ginger little bundle of sunshine. It was a kind of uncomfortable because I didn't want to drop him but I successfully carried him out of the bus. Tsukkishima made a snide comment as I walked by that I didn't quite catch. I would've usually shot back an insult, but I felt weirdly protective over Hinata. As the evening sunlight hit my eyes, I noticed the bug eyed stares of everyone around us.

That's when I became extremely conscious of the position we were in. His legs where wrapped around my torso, his arms slung around my kneck, with mine holding onto his thighs. I felt my face flush bright red.


"Looks like king really does have a queen."


I felt Hinata snuggle into my shoulder

"Kags—whats going on,"

Yawning he moved his face back and locked eyes with me and I see just how pretty they really are. They're not a solid, boring brown. spirals of maroon colliding with honey droplets and even a green colour filled with light. It was also at that moment I realised a horrible truth.

I liked Hinata Shouyou.

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