welcome & request form

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Hello & welcome, fellow silverchairies!

How are you?

Have a cuppa, relax and enjoy yourself.

I'm so excited to get this imagines book out for you.

This is all for you, the reader, the friend, the devoted fan, the dreamer.

Below you will see the Request Form followed by an example of what the form looks like after filling it out. Please submit your imagine requests as a comment below.


Character name/appearance/personality:
Imagine/Desired scenario:


-1998/ record store in Newcastle
-Ben (but I don't mind if the other two show up!)
-Leanne/ petite stature with long light brown hair/ a little shy and goofy
-Ben is the cashier at the record store I walk into & while I am paying for my record he asks me out on a date
-I want him to make me laugh and vice versa :)

I will need at least a name and a desired scenario on the form, please. I'll fill in the gaps if you want me to. Also, if you have any questions, lemme know. You can make a request again after I've posted your first request.

I want this to be a fun, positive, comfortable place to swoon over the boys of silverchair and chat all things silver ... and then swoon some more and faint from all the fangirling . . . aaaahhhhh.


Please, vote and comment so other lil silverchairies will notice this book! Tag your friends if you wish.

Thank you

SILVERCHAIR imagines [requests OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now