sunshine day

331 8 55

For AnxietyBitchh

This imagine, she's thick. Enjoy!  XO

Freak Show era--all about that bass player, Chris ;)

My whole body was throbbing. I was smashed and beat and tossed around in the pit, yet I felt no pain. I felt like I was reborn after I emerged from the human jungle of limbs. Once the cool air hit my skin, I took in a deep breath. My bag was where I had left it. The Spanish girls that I had met earlier in the day were still sitting next to it, braiding each other's hair and laughing.

"Gracias," I nodded as I picked up my bag and slid it over my head.

The girl with short bleached hair and a nose ring smiled at me before I turned to walk away. I begged them to join me in the pit while silverchair performed, but they insisted it was too intense for them. I admit I was a little scared at first, and a sharp jab to my back had me alarmed for a minute, but once they were half-way through "Slave" I felt invincible.

There wasn't any other bands I was obsessed with or too thrilled to see, so I meandered around the grounds of the festival. The sun was piercing through me. The faces in the crowds were pink and happy and free. Eventually I came to a stand with a surprisingly short line. A beer, a honey wheat one, ice cold, was calling my name, so I dropped my bag next to me and waited for my turn to order.

I paid for my beer and my heart overflowed with joy, but I couldn't help but stop in my tracks when I heard someone say, "Yeah, man, they are over there now. Talking with fans."

I tried not to act like a total freak, but once I realized the dude was talking about silverchair I watched as the fellow fans he spoke to cut through hoards of people to get to the band. With my beer half gone and my joyous heart brimming with the possibility of expressing my gratitude for such an awesome show, I totally stalked them all the way past and around the stage that 'chair performed on.

Sure enough, they were there. But we were late. I couldn't see Chris or Daniel. Ben was the only one out there now. There were about a handful of fans joking around with him. After they left, I finished my beer and felt like a real idiot for only buying one beer.

"Where'd you get that?"

I almost choked on my last sip.

"Pardon?" I managed to ask.

"How was it," Ben asked. "Is the stand that sold it close by? Was it cold?"

I pointed in the general direction and nodded. He grinned and banged on the door of the trailer behind him. "Chris! I've got the location of cold beer. I repeat--I've the location of cold beer!"

The door of the trailer whipped open and all the beer in the world didn't compare one freaking bit to what I freaking saw.

"Don't toy with my heart, Gillies," Chris shook his head as he jumped out and shut the door behind him.

His eyes caught mine and I went on auto-pilot. Smart auto-pilot. Genius. Well, I still couldn't move, but I titled my head and offered, "I can show you where the stand is."

"Sure," Chris smiled. "Lead the way. I'm dying for a cold one."

I tried with all my might to not have a demented look on my face as I led Ben and Chris around the edge of the mass of people so we could get to the stand faster and, selfishly, so others would have less of a chance recognizing them. Okay. Recognizing Chris. A whole swarm of fangirls could whisk Ben away and I wouldn't even care.

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