Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 15

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Hellllloooo! I am SO HAPPY! 

I got on the front page and to 111 on what's hot! I can't believe it! Thank you to all my fans, new and old, and for all the comments and votes. It means so much to me! 

I'm still a bit dazed at how people are enjoying this n__n 

I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a brilliant New Year :D xxxx


A long time must have passed. It was impossible to judge how long in this plain white room. My tired body insisted that it must have been at least a week, but my mind knew that that was ridiculous. No scientists came to test on me and Simon never did return, not even for his clipboard. Food was slipped in occasionally through a hatch in the door, but I only played with it for want of an appetite until it was pulled out once again.

I was caught between a mixture of self loathing for being so blind and horrible, bouts of claustrophobia and possibly madness from seeing nothing but white for hours upon end. I missed and worried about the others with an intensity that threatened to swallow me. I knew the humans were watching me, probably very pleased with themselves, as I reacted in such a fashion, pacing the room. So I decided to just to sit in the corner, close my eyes, and escape into my father’s nightmare.

* * *

I was aware of something touching my hair and I jerked awake, shooting into a sitting position and throwing out a fist. Instantly I regretted the decision as waves of pain spread across my aching body. I blinked drowsily and looked around to see what had woken me.  My fist had not connected with anything.

Simon was crouched in front of me, a little further away this time, balancing on the balls of his feet. The shirt beneath his white coat had changed so a day at least must have passed. I rubbed my face and scooted backwards, pressing right into the corner. A low, warning growl escaped my lips. It was a noise that would have told another shifter to back off and give me space. Simon didn’t move an inch.

“What do you want?” I growled again, “Aren’t I supposed to be in isolation?” My voice felt raw having been unused for some time. I didn’t want to talk to this strange man if he was supporting this ridiculous cause. Sure, he pretended to offer his friendship but it was too intense and too close for me to handle.

His brow creased. “You were. That was until you refused two days worth of food and water. It’s dangerous for your health so we had no choice but to pause the experiment.”

“You haven’t sent Tom to chastise me then? I thought that was his job,” I retorted with a snap. My words seemed to have no distinction from each thought. Maybe I was suffering from lack of food? I tried, however, to ignore the tray of it that I could see behind him.

“His job is to keep things running smoothly around here, and if that means reprimanding people who misbehave, kitty, then that’s what he’ll do.”

I bit back another snarl. “Please do not call me that.”

“What? Kitty?” he smiled impishly, making his young form seem even younger, “Don’t you think that it’s fitting?” His hazel eyes glittered and it made the hairs rise on my arms.

“Not from you,” I replied.

“Why do you hate me so much? I haven’t hurt you,” he frowned.

Anger flared in my chest like a match being lit. “Why would I like you? You didn’t think twice about hurting Alexander, did you? Or about taking the rest of my family away from their homes? About poking us with needles and stealing our secrets?”

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