Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 17

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Ello ello ello, Tiger, Tiger is here! :)

Some people have been worried that this is the end, but it's not. IT'S NOT THE END. Don't worry, I have so much more planned for the pack than an abrupt one chapter ending. I really hope that you stay with me and don't leave me now. That would make me sad :( 

Here is the next chapter, it's nowhere near the end, enjoy! :D xxxxx 


I wouldn’t have been surprised if my heart had given up right on the spot, from all the stress it had been going through. I was a bundle of nerves and adrenaline. My tiger ached to be free, to fight and get this over and done with, roaring with the hammering of my heart.

I scanned over the rest of the pack as the footsteps drew even nearer. They were all tense muscles and stern faces. The weres understood even more than us how important it was to get this right. They had been here for years and this might be their last chance to ever escape. The responsibility weighed heavy on my shoulders, but I was more than happy to bear it if I could rescue the people I loved.

The doors flew open and Tom strode in first. His eyes already betrayed the angry mood he was in: hawk eyes, so dark now that they were like little drops of ink. I watched his tight brow twitch as he moved towards us. The usual band of scientists scuttled along behind him, taking notes. As quickly as I could, I calculated if all of them were there and if they could all be trapped this side. I hoped so. Now my job was to keep Tom’s attention on me, and only me.

“Want me back so soon?” I asked Tom, out loud so that everyone would understand what was going on.

His eyes darted towards me. He’d taken the bait. “Not really,” he snarled, “You just seem to cause trouble wherever you go.”

“Well I am sorry,” I purred. I clenched my fists so hard that my nails bit into my palms, and a sharp sting told me that I had broken the skin. At least the pain distracted me from the fear that grew in my chest. The tiny crescents healed over almost instantly, leaving nothing but the faintest tingle behind.

“Subject test on Alexis Matthews. Number 17104,” he practically shouted, yanking a clipboard out of the hands of the scientist next to him. The man stumbled slightly, shocked, and the red headed woman that had taken my blood put her hand on Tom’s shoulder gently. Brow creased, she went to say something but Tom shook her off.

“High level shifting ability. High level strength,” he snarled, stalking toward me.

As he approached my cube the cogs began to turn in my head. The red hair, the loving touch. Tom’s hand clenched the door handle, knuckles white. ‘Is that Simon’s mum?’ I asked, right into his feeble human mind, ‘Nice way to treat her.’

He thrust the door open, stepped inside and slammed the door so hard that I thought it might shatter. The door bounced back hit the wall, creating a crack that splintered through the glass. The sound echoed through the silent room and I couldn’t stop a flinch. The tension of the pack was tangible in the air and the electricity around Alexander had turned into something dangerous.

‘Be careful,’ he murmured, ‘Don’t push it.’

‘It’ll be fine, I promise. I can make this work.’ I hoped that he believed me, because I sure didn’t.

“Keep out of my head,” Tom growled, accentuating each syllable like a punch. I kept my gaze steady on his, trying to keep my nerve by reminding myself that this man deserved everything he was going to get. My heartbeat was somewhere in my throat, wild and frantic.

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