part 13 end

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The IMC had left Earth but the Militia were recovering they're fallen. Hattie stood next to Odin and the other pilots under his command.

Gates: You alright?

Hattie: I killed these people.

Gates: Sometimes in war things happen that shouldn't have happened. He knew the risks when I told him Y/n was coming for him.

Hattie: You knew about Y/n coming after him?

Gates: He told me himself but I couldn't take his offer. His death is on my hands,  I won't let this happen again.

Hattie: What will happen to him?

Gates: I'm taking him back for the Militia to decide.

Y/n was sitting on a bucket with Bear and several Militia soldiers watching him. IQ shoved her way past them. A soldier grabbed to pull her away.

Bear: Stop everyone goes.

Soldier: Sir, we...

Bear: I can stop him if he tries to leave.

They left, IQ held onto Y/n.

IQ: I was worried.

Y/n: It's not the first time he shot me.

IQ: What's going to happen?

Y/n: They will take me back and probably force me to fight for them or just shoot me.

IQ: Then im coming with you.

Y/n: No.

IQ: Why not!

Y/n: You don't deserve to suffer that life.

IQ: But I might not see you again.

Y/n: I will come back to you.

IQ: How long?

Y/n: I'm not sure.

IQ: You promise you'll come back?

Y/n: I never break a contract. I just need you to get me one thing.

Hattie was sitting with Bandit awaiting her next order.

Bandit: So you're leaving.

Hattie: Yes.

Bandit: Any chance of staying?

Hattie: I have a duty to help the militia.

They loomed at Mozzie walking with his bags packed.

Bandit: Where are you going to?

Mozzie: With these guys. I'm not missing the chance to fight giant robots.

Gates: Everyone form up.

Hattie: I guess this is it.

She got up along with Bandit. She hugged him then walked to Mute. She took off his mask grabbing his best and kissing him.

Smoke: What the hell?

Hattie: Come with me, Mark.


Hattie: I know, must stay here and keep everyone safe.

Bandit: What the fuck!

Hattie was standing with the rest of the 6-4 as they were preparing to leave.

Gates: Good job team, but we have to get back to the war. The IMC now has what they need for their new weapon and we need to be ready.

Y/n looked at SP as other titans we're guarding him.

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