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My hands gripped tightly on my steering wheel as I glanced at my GPS. I was only half a mile away from Anthony's house and I felt nervous.

What if his parents don't like me? How long will I be able to stay over? What if he thinks I'm boring? What if he just needs a friend and I was the only option? What if I'm awkward?

So many thoughts and questions swirled in my head as I turned down a long road.  Calm your tits, Will. He just wants to hang out, don't get your panties in a twist.

I inhale sharply, staring at the house in front of me. The address was correct and the car outside looked fiamilar, so I think it's his.

It was a nice house, like every house in this town. It was a bit smaller than mine, but 7 people lived in mine. I think he mentioned he had a younger sibling once, maybe not.

My fist knocks against the door, quickly adjusting the blue, long sleeve shirt I was wearing. Pulling my sleeves down a bit, I nodded slightly in improval.

The door opened, revealing Anthony, who instantly grinned at me. A black t-shirt clung to his toned muscles, making me feel extremely small.

He has muscles, you're just fat, Will.

"Glad you could make it." Anthony spoke, opening the door a little wider, gesturing for me to come in. I just send him a smile, hesitantly stepping into the house. "No one is home right now, so we can do whatever."

At least I don't have to meet his parents. I always freak out when that happens.

"Oh, okay. Cool."

Anthony motions for me to follow him, leading me through the house. I scan the rooms we walked through, noticing the lack of decoration. I had no place to talk though, my room was just as plain and dull.

"This is my room." He informs me, opening the door to a room. He pulls me inside it, allowing me to observe it.

It was a nice room, very simple. I liked it. It didnt have any special touches or anything.

Then again, they just moved here, so they probably haven't thought to decorate. Maybe they need to paint and are holding it off.

"So, what do you want to do? Eat? Play video games? Watch TV?"

I shrug, scanning his room once more, "anything is fine with me. It's your house so..."

Anthony stares at me for a moment, his eyes trailing from my face to my shoes. I felt a little self conscious, instantly biting my life. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around myself, I didn't want him to think I was awkward or anything.

His eyes shifted back up to mine, a playful smirk on his face. "We can make food then play videos, if that's cool."

I nod, licking my dry lips. "I ate before I came, but that sounds fine."

Anthony leads me again through the house, into a nice kitchen. Instantly, he started to rummage through a cabinet.  Leaning against the counter, I watch as he grabbed a  bag of potato chips, opening them.

"Do you want anything? Anything to drink?" Anthony asked as he filled a large bowl with the salty snack. He probably could eat that all and not gain a single pound or a centimeter of body fat.

My mouth suddenly felt dry staring at the salty food. "Water, please." He nods, wandering the fridge. Anthony grabs a pizza box and a bottle of water.

"So, what the hell do you want to watch? I have every available season of South Park, Family Guy, and the Simpsons. I have Netflix." Anthony turns on his TV, plopping down onto his bed with his snacks. I stiffly stood beside the door, unsure what to do. "You can sit with me, ya know."

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