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This chapter kinda sucks, I'm really sorry :/


"Why are you just now telling me?!"

I shrug at my over excited sister, running my fingers through my hair, that seemed awfully dry for some reason. Maybe I forgot to condition it last night. "I dunno... I guess I wanted to wait to see how a week dating him will go before I told you about it."

Lucille scoffs at my logic, "what? No! You were supposed to tell me the day of! Not a week after."

I roll my eyes at her, waving her off.

It's been a week since I said a simple, 'yes' to Anthony. I was so excited that I couldn't eat for the rest of that day or the morning after. (Not that I did eat in the morning or much of dinner anyways)

After being together for a few days and getting sweet text, hanging out a lot, random kisses, I knew I really liked him. Even though I've known him for not even a month, I knew he was an amazing person for me.

I still wonder why the hell he chose to ask me out. Me out of everyone in the world. Me?

"I guess I'll have to talk to him. We have calculus together and we work together, so..." I scowl at my sisters word, shaking my head rapidly. "Why the hell not?"

I huff, "because, I don't want you telling him embarrassing things about me and then he breaks up with me."

She rolls her eyes, "if he really did like you, he would laugh about the stories and not break up with you.".

"Hm maybe." I mumble, looking down at my hands. "Just don't tell anyone, okay? Especially not Mom and Dad. Or Gabby. She can't keep a secret."

She sighs, but nodded at my orders. "Fine..."

"Just, take it out." Anthony exclaims over the phone, letting out a beautiful laugh. I laugh as well, shaking my head at his words. "Simple as that."

I hum, "I don't think so." I turn onto my side, a large grin stuck on my face. "So, how was your day? I'm sorry I couldn't see you at lunch, I was busy making up a test."

Anthony doesn't reply for a moment, the sound of something rustling in the background. "Sorry, I was getting chips. My day was fine, I skipped the rest of the day after lunch."

I furrow my brows, "why? Did you feel sick?"

Anthony laughs, a small crunch after he did so. "No, I just didn't feel like going to the rest of my classes." Oh.  "So I just got food and went home."

"Oh. Cool."

He hums in agreement, another crunch coming from him. I don't understand how he is able to eat so much unhealthy stuff and have a gorgeous body.

I clear my sore throat, wrapping an arm around my aching stomach. I wince as a wave of hunger pain hit my stomach.

"You good?"

Nodding, I softly reply, "yeah, my stomach just hurts."

"Why? Do you need to take a shit?"

I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, pain incdeasing in my stomach as I did so. "No, I'm just a little hungry, I guess."

"Go eat something, then. Dummy."

I smile at his teasing, rolling my eyes. "Nah, I'll be okay."

"If you're hungry, than you should eat. No wonder you're so skinny, you don't eat enough."

Gulping, I nervously let out a laugh, "I just don't like food much, I guess." My fingers run over my clothes stomach, debating whether or not to listen to him and eat.

My parents were out on a date, so they left dinner up to ourselves. After Lucille and I talked, her and Gabby made macoroni, but I refused to eat any of it, saying I'll have some later.

"Well, you should still eat, even if you don't like food. You get energy from food."

Yeah, but you also get fat from food, William.

I knew Anthony was right though.

I mumble a small, 'yeah' before I stood from my bed, taking the phone off speaker.

You shouldn't eat, you've eaten nothing today, keep it up.

"Go eat something, cutie. I don't want you hungry." Anthony tells me with a reassuring tone. I nod at his order, leaving my room.

What could I eat that wasn't extremely unhealthy but could fill me up just a bit?

Pretzels? Too many carbs and salt.

Fruit? Too sweet and apples have a ton of carbs. Might as well eat the entire loaf of bread.

I settled on just eating some tortilla chips and chunky salsa, the healthiest option I could think of at the moment.

As I prepared the simple snack, Anthony played with Frank, letting out long lines of profanity whenever he bit him.

My laughed echoed through the kitchen, probably disrupting my sisters watching TV in the living room. I didn't care though. I just laughed and laughed.

"Who are you talking to?" Rose questioned as she peaked her head into the room. I twist the lid onto the salsa, ignoring my younger sister. "William!"

"A friend." I finally told her, listening to Anthony scold Frank, using a lot of swear words and empty threats. Rose just shrugs, leaving the room.

I carry the plate of food up to my room, avoiding my sisters.

I place my phone beside me, listening to Anthony ramble about how he was going to send him pet turtle to a swamp.

"Are you eating something, babe?" My heart quickened at the simple word. I blushed horribly as I smiled.


He hums, "okay, that's good." I slowly bring the tortilla chips covered in salsa up to my lips, hesitant to take a bite.

Isn't there a lot of salt in tortilla chips and also in salsa?

Listen to your boyfriend and eat, dumbass.

I shove the chip into my mouth, my taste buds and stomach thanking me as I chew and swallowed.

That wasn't that bad.

"Do you want to hang out after school tomorrow?"

My head snapped down to my phone as I gulp down another chips. "Yeah, sure. That sounds good. I have to work until 5:30, though. But I'm free afterwards."

"That's fine. Just come here and then I'll make you dinner."


I quickly shake my head, "I can pick up something on my way there, don't worry about it."

Anthony let out a laugh, "no, I can feed you. Just come here straight from work, okay?" I agreed, biting the tip of the tortilla chip.  It's just dinner, I can handle it.  "Can't wait to see your cute face."

My stomach tingled as a rush of happiness hit me. "I don't really have that cute of a face."

"Bullshit. You're so cute. You're eyes are stunning. You have such pretty lips." I wasn't used to being complimented, so I didn't understand why I was feeling so happy all of a sudden. "You're face is very cute."

"What drugs are you on to think that?"

He laughs for the millionth time, which caused my heart to race at the lovely sound. "None, babe." I felt like Lucille, getting all excited over a boy.

I completed a majority of my homework as I talked to Anthony, every now and then eating a chip covered in salsa.

I was so extremely... Happy? Excited? I didn't know the word, but all I know is that every single time I hear Anthony's voice, I get butterflies.

Kinda a shorter than usual chapter 乁( •_• )ㄏ

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