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A deep, heavy weight rested on my shoulders as I walked into the coffee shop, seeing Anthony there, looking down on his phone.

I was dreading to confront him on what happened the other day. It's taken a few pep talks from my sisters to convince me to talk to him about it.

My mom was in the back, grabbing her keys and bag, ready to leave. She smiles once she saw me, quickly walking over to me.

"Can you lock up at 6?" I nod, sending her a smile. "Thanks honey, see you tonight." She kissed my cheek before she left.

The cafe wasn't very crowded since it was the late afternoon. Only a couple of customers were here, mainly just doing work on computers while snacking on pastries.

I slip behind the counter, biting my lip as I glanced at Anthony, who was still preoccupied with his phone, a smirk on his face.

"Anthony." He let out a hum, not bothering to look up. I scoff, "will you look at me?"

His eyes stayed glued on his phone, letting out another hum. Frustration built up inside of me. Don't waste your breath.

I mustered up enough courage, snatching his phone out of his large hands.

"What the fuck, Will!" He scowls, reaching for it. I quickly look at the screen, reading the message.

You down at 7 tonite ;)

I furrow my brows, scrolling up in the messages, ignoring Anthony's hands that were attempting to grab it, but I kept moving.

My heart sunk as I read the messages, a lump forming in my throat as tears pricked in the brim of my eyes.

"So you're cheating on me?"

Anthony just sighed, "give me back my phone."

I grimaced, throwing his phone on the counter behind me. "No, fuck your phone. You're cheating on me?"

"It's not really cheating..."

I scoff, "so asking someone to meet up to have sex while in a relationship isn't cheating?!"

He shrugs, leaning against the wall, "okay, so what if it is? Not the first time."

My brows furrow as I stared at him in disgust, "you've cheated before this?"

"Well, yeah, how else was I supposed to get laid? You weren't going to do anything."

I couldn't believe it. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest and a whale was on my stomach.

You deserve it Will.

I open my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. I was speechless with shock. It feels like it wasn't real.

Anthony just scoffs, "you really thought I liked you? It was easy sex, took a damn month though."

"You dated me for sex?!"

He hums, "that's how the real world works, William. Everything is about sex and money, no one really loves anyone. I got what I want and now I'm done with you."

My jaw dropped as my stomach flipped. Tears filled my eyes as I stared at Anthony. My heart ached.

"Fuck you."

I grab his phone from behind me, slamming the device onto the ground. I didn't listen to his profanities and threats as I left the cafe, eyes following me.

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