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So like in the middle of the chapter it just like... Idk man... Have fun reading this shit


I sometimes hated kissing people. There was this awkwardness afterwards either just for a moment or for 3 years, especially when you see them in the hallways. (Sorry Mandy from freshmen year.)

But whenever Nicholas's lips left mine, we both just smiled before we kissed again, already addicted to each other's lips.

I thought Anthony's lips were addicting... I could've overdosed on Nicholas's the second they connected with mine.

I truly never wanted to feel his lips apart from mine. They were so warm and comforting in some way.

I've kissed a handful of people and I always thought when people said you felt like you were walking on clouds was just a cliche saying that never happened.

But I felt it.

Nothing in the world seemed to bother me when our lips were locked. I could feel a fire igniting in my stomach and my lips cry for more and more.

It was just the best thing I've ever felt and it was just a kiss.

Nicholas and I just laid there for a moment on the bathroom floor, my body on top of his. His hazel-green eyes studied mine as his thumb constantly swiped across my lips, pressing his own against them for just a second, feeding at my addiction.

"Why do you do this to me?" He suddenly says, letting out a small groan in frustration. "I don't want to hurt you."

What the hell is he talking about? I furrow my brows, tilting my head as I tried to figure out what he meant by that. "What?"

"I like you. I really like you," Nicholas started, his eyes meeting mine again, a pained look on his face. "But I have horrible commitment issues and I suck at relationships because I always lose interest or pick people apart or I don't show enough emotion or..."

I frown at his words, my heart groaning in reply. "You're going to lose interest in me? And you might cheat on me?"

His eyes widened as he quickly shook his head, "of course not. I know I wouldn't lose interest in you, my mind just does it. I always pick people apart and I find things I hate about them and-"

"What do you hate about me?" I whisper, my stomach churning. I felt so sick. I felt heartbroken for some reason and I wasn't even dating him. I just liked him. "Am I boring?"

Nicholas sat up causing me to fall. He lifts his knees, holding me up as he leaned against the wall, my legs still on both sides of him.

"I hate nothing about you." He tells me, looking down at my hands. "I am a very judgy person. My mind pin points stupid things and makes me dislike that person. I've ruined so many friendships and relationships because of it. But with you, there's nothing wrong with you."

I scoff, rolling my eyes. I felt some anger start to overflow in me. "You're just saying that. What do you hate about me? Is my face ugly? Am I fat? Am I boring? Does my voice annoy you? Is my laugh weird? You can just tell me."

Nicholas again shakes his head, his slender fingers running down my clothed arms in a somewhat soothing way. "Im serious, there is absolutely nothing I pin pointed. You're just perfect."

I couldn't help but grin, "I am?"

"Yes, I don't believe in perfect. But in everyway, in my mind and I know in everybody else's, you are." He assured with a small kiss on my nose. "I don't want to hurt you ever. You're such a good person and you deserve someone who constantly has bad relationships."

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